Chapter 2. People of the Class

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Mikan's Pov
"Who's Natsume?" "And why is it so bad to be his partner?"I thought in my head. "Why does that ugly girl get to be his partner?!" Girls in the classroom yelled, then suddenly, "BAM!"

I jumped a little from the sudden noise and so did the girls, since they instantly shut up and the classroom was dead silent.

I looked at Narumi Sensei and noticed that his hands were on the desk and that there was a vein popping out of his head.

"Ladies, please be quiet, I still have to tell Mikan where her seat is, you can get to know her when it's free period," Narumi Sensei said as calmly as he could.

Some of the girls nodded in fear and some grumbled to themselves with frustration.

"Anyways Mikan, Natsume is right over there in the very back corner, you'll be sitting by him and Imai Hotaru," Narumi Sensei said pointing at a guy with raven colored hair and red crimson eyes and a girl with short black hair with amethyst eyes.

For some odd reason the guy called Natsume looked really familiar, but I never met him before so I just shrugged off the thought.

"Poor Imai, having to sit next to an ugly girl." I heard some people whisper to each other.

"Yeah, and why does she get to be Natsume's partner!?"

I walked down the aisle to my designated seat looking at the people around me. "Ew, she's even uglier up close," I heard some people snicker as I passed them. But it didn't really affect me at all.

When I finally reached my seat, I saw that Hyuuga was looking at me with a frown on his face. I faced him and said, "please, take care of me."

His expression was neutral and he just looked back at the teacher with an angry expression.

"Did I do something to make him mad?" I thought in my head pulling out the chair from the desk to sit in.

"Alright class, free period," Narumi Sensei clapped his hands and left the room.

The moment he left, everyone started talking to one another. Some of the boys were throwing airplanes they made out of paper. While I just sat in my seat looking at the ground not sure if I should talk to anyone.

"So, Sakura-San," I heard someone say. I looked up at the voice, I saw a group of girls in front of my desk staring at me with menacing glares.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered. "What did you do to trick the teacher into letting you be Natsume's partner?" A girl with strawberry blonde hair said.

"I didn't do anything!" I yelled, shaking my head.

"Yes, you did do something, there's a rule that no one can be Natsume's partner." a girl with black short hair hissed.

"But I really didn't do anything, the teacher just chose randomly."

"Shut your mouth, you did do something, a girl as ugly as you shouldn't even be able to get twelve inches close to Natsume-kun." The strawberry haired girl said as she tugged on one of my braids.

I winced in pain, and the girl with short black hair said, "Hey, Luna, we should slap some sense in her to not get to close to Natsume."

"Yeah thats a great idea Sumire," some of the other girls surrounding me said.

The girl called Luna let go of my braid and raised her hand to me like she was gonna slap me.

As she was about to slap me I closed my eyes shut but felt no pain at all. I opened them again and saw that Natsume grabbed her arm when her hand was about 3 inches close to my cheek.

"Hey, stop your loud talking, you interrupted my nap," Natsume said with a pissed off look on his face.

"B-but Natsume, I was just going to show this girl to not get to close to you, that's all," Luna said in a honeyed voice, which made me throw up in my mouth a little.

"That's still not a reason why you interrupted my nap," Natsume said glaring at the group of girls, which they flinched a little from his glare.

"W-well," the girl named Sumire said sweating a little.

Then one of the random girls spoke up, "A-ah that's right I have to study for Jinno Sensei's math quiz!" Then left in a hurried way back to her desk. "A-ah, me too, do you wanna study together?" Another one of them asked her friend.

"Sure," the girl replied, then they both ran off to the other end of the classroom.

Then, one excuse after another it was just Luna and Sumire left. "Leave. Now." Natsume threatened murderously that even I shuddered a bit.

"Yes sir!" Sumire whimpered, while she grabbed Luna and ran off.

I could feel laughter coming up and tried to hold it in. I ended up failing and had to close my mouth from being too loud and held my now hurting stomach.

When the fit of giggles was over, I could feel stares and saw Natsume just looking at me.

"Oh, thank you for saving me." I said, remembering that I never said that to him yet. He seemed like a pretty nice guy, I think I could get along with him, was what I thought in my head and I smiled to myself.

"I only helped you because they were interrupting my nap, also you were too, so it's also your fault," he bluntly stated as I saw him yawn and lean back on his chair as he covered his face with manga.

I instantly regretted my last thought of him being a nice guy. He was horrible, with a mean attitude. I glared at him before I stretched my arms out on my desk and sighed, and in my head I thought, wow first day of school and I already get bullied huh? Then I wrapped my arms around my head and tried to go to sleep.

About five minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder and lifted my head up from my desk. "Hey, Sakura-san sorry to ruin your nap but I wanted to introduce myself and some other people in the classroom, my name is Tobita Yuu, I'm the class President" he said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you," I said, shaking his hand. "Also thanks, it would really help if you told me the names of people here," I said formally.

"It's alright, you don't have to be shy of me, after all you and I are gonna become great friends, also call me Prez," he said in a cheerful tone. I nodded in response.

"Alright now let's get started," Prez said cracking his knuckles. First he pointed at the girl beside me, "That is Hotaru Imai, she's really smart and makes cool inventions, like the one she's making now." Then I realized that she was putting on a screw on a small cannon like thingy.

"That is Kokoro Yomi, but everyone calls him Koko, his childhood friend is Sumire." Prez said pointing to a guy with blond spiky hair.

Wait, isn't Sumire one of those really mean girls who ganged up on me? I thought to myself, but was cut off by Prez talking.

"That is Anna and Nonoko, they're cousins and best friends so they're always together," he said pointing at two girls, one with pink hair and the other one had black hair.

Then he pointed at the girls who ganged up on me earlier and said, "those two people who are surrounded by everyone are Luna Koizumi and Sumire Shouda, they're the President and Vice-President of the Natsume and Ruka fan club, also don't make Luna angry, because she's really rich so she acts like a spoiled brat." He said, whispering to me.

"Lastly, those guys over there are Ruka, and you should know this already but I'll tell you anyways, Natsume, they're best friends." He said pointing at the raven haired guy with a manga covering his face and a guy sitting beside him with blonde hair and blue eyes and he almost looked like a prince. "And I think that's most of the people in the class," Prez said cheerfully.

"Uh, thank you for telling me all this," I said, giving him a small smile. "You're welcome," He said, laughing a little.

"My seat is just over in the front up there, so if you ever get lonely just come talk to me," he said, pointing towards his seat at the front.

"Sure," I happily exclaimed as he left me to sit in his seat.

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