Assassin's Bride Chp29

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Faith looked fixedly at him as if she did not apprehend the language he uttered. Jayden disregarded her questioning look. "Assassins have a creed, in that brotherhood they have countable clans. Each clan has a ruler, the clan most formidable among them choses a king for the creed." Faith's gaze transformed into a disturbed and repulsed one.

"Thirty years ago a woman was designated to be the Queen of the creed. Of course, she was powerful, a pure blood assassin. She then wedded a man she loved from her clan to strengthen her dominance. Few years later she handed the throne to her beloved husband, Eragon. He was a keen man, a man cloaked with valour and supremacy. Within a year Eragon heard whispers of men from his own clan practice..."Jayden paused and grit his teeth. "Practice magic."

Faith gasped and subconsciously shrunk away. The word 'magic' was a taboo word, a word that a person would rather die that verbalize.

"Those who practiced magic became aware of Eragon's plans and did not want to be banished from their lands so they butchered Eragon right before his beloved's eyes." sheer silence stalked them as if they stood in the midst of a graveyard. Faith had a hard time breathing, a fierce throb raked her brain. Meanwhile, both Jayden and Rosaline recollected the day Eragon was slaughtered.

Lord Jayden leaned in and apprised Faith of how the other clan helped those assassins who practiced magic in the assassination of the King. How they planned to annihilate the queen and take over the Royal throne. Jayden informed her of the child the queen gave birth to, hidden from the clan that desired to kill her, hidden from everyone but a woman, her dearest friend.

Jayden frowned when he unfolded how they murdered the queen the night she gave birth to her child, the child that was taken away by that 'friend'. The child who belongs to assassin royalty, queen of assassin creed. Jayden dropped his eyes when he took note of how violently Faith shivered, then after a moment lifted his eyes.

"The queen was also known as the 'moon lady' among the creed but her real name was...Faith." here the girl shook her head.

"This can't be the truth, my parents are not assassins." Faith's croaky voice rejected, wide eyes on Jayden. "You are making this up. You know I want to find out about my parents but that does not mean you can feed me such preposterous stories." she vocalized in a dark voice, pushed aside the covers to get away from these people.

"He is speaking the truth." Rosaline endeavoured to convince her.

"Don't." Faith lifted her hand. Her throat was parched she did not have the strength to verbalize words anymore.

"I was the one who took you. If your mother had not taken that decision the Wolferians would have ended your life as well." Rosaline spoke quickly.

Faith halted, eyes on her bloody fingers, there was something that rang like a banshee's wail in her mind, something she wanted to know, "The other clan, wha_what are they called?" she whispered, somewhat aware of the answer.

Cloud looked at his father and gave a nod. "Wolfic." at this Faith swathe her shaky arms around her middle, eyes downcast.

Wolfic, Cloud Wolfic Jayden!

"Why me?" she stared at Rosaline in accusation. "It is not a tradition to get the third son married by the parents choice, is it?" she licked her dry lips.

"No, it is not," for the first time that day tears filled Rosaline's eyes. "Cloud is the only one who has the capability to take over the throne and command the assassins. He can protect you and I needed to fulfill my oath to your mother, to Faith." Rosaline came clean.

Faith wiped her cheeks, her shoulders sagged in defeat. She wanted to get away from them, stand to her feet and flee. Faith stared in the space lost in her shattered world. Oh how peaceful it was to be ignorant. Assassins, how can she have assassin blood flow in her veins. Her life was a crafted illusion, a damn lie. Her friend desired to kill her, the man who caused her heart to beat frantically was a fiend. Her own parents were assassins.

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