16. Reverse Uno.

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Y/n POV:

"It still hurts like a mother trucker, but other than that I'm okay. What about you? Did you set your father on fire yet?" I spoked towards Shoto through the phone. A airy sigh was heard on the other side before he answered. "No I haven't. He's just been a sore loser because of the Hero Killer incident.." He explained while I shoved pass a drunk women on the streets.

I was currently walking down the streets on my way to see Shigaraki and Kurogiri. After 2 days they called Dabi and I to tell us we were accepted to join. Dabi and I discuss on the pros and cons in joining this organization and in the end we decided to try it out. Dabi gave me one rule though if I was to join with him, and that was not to be alone with Shigaraki. He doesn't exactly trust nor like the crusty man.

Dabi was already there waiting for my arrival as I had to wait after dinner to escape from my house. And although I said I was gonna be there in a half an hour... I accidentally got side track and got pulled into a store that had a sale going on. And after a good hour of shopping with amazing deals, I got a surprise call from Shoto.

"I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I guess seeing him act childish and suffering is good enough for me. Although I'm mostly wondering if you're doing okay." I said while checking the street I was currently on. I pressed the phone against my ear more so I could hear him more clearly over the people talking around me. 

"I'm fine. I'm just glad you're okay other than the fact you say you're still hurting. You better be resting." He says as making me laugh, "Of course I am-" Just then some business man crashed into my shoulder who cussed me out angrily, "No YOU watch where the fuck you're going dickhead!" I yelled back at the rude man angrily. 

"Y/n, What was that? You are resting right? Where are you right now?" Shoto asked concerned for my health. I felt sweat drops form as I laughed it off, "I was in the mood for something sweet like ice cream, so I'm heading to the store to get some.." I came up with a lie. 

"Y/n, you need to stay in bed and rest." Shoto scolded me. I groan loudly into the phone and stood infront of the building that held the League of Villains in. "Fiiiine, I will... after my ice cream."

"Still, please don't over do yourself." Shoto sighed once again into the phone making me smile knowing he cared. "I promise, anyway imma go now. Thank you for checking up on me. I can't wait to see you." I walked closer to the buildings door with my heart racing like crazy. "Like wise. Bye Y/n, make sure you text me when you get home safely." His last sentence sounded like a warning more than a order. It was nice to have someone like him caring for a dumbass like me.

Don't get a big head. He's just nice. He probably does this with everyone. You're no one special.

I frown for overthinking this way. I grip my phone tighter and nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me "I will. Bye." I spoked plainly before hanging up. I stood infront of the door lost in thought after talking to Shoto. He was still with his father for his internship like everyone else in our class. Everyone's working hard to become hero's and here I am, working for the Villains now.

I should be freaking out and feeling heavily guilty... but why wasn't I? Perhaps this all feels way to surreal for my true feelings to sink in. 

All those friendship I've build with my classmates, the ones I hold dear to me I'll one day have to turn my back on them. I knew what I am doing is for the greater good though none of that should matter now. I'm not the bad guy here. 

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