T W E N T Y - T W O

Começar do início



Sin 7, Zephyr 10  

"MOM!" I yelled from our back porch "I'M GOING OUT INTO THE WOODS TO PLAY!" 

"Inside voice Serenity" Mom scolded, poking her head out from the kitchen "And take your brother!" 

 "Tristan's outside playing with some girl" I wrinkled my nose "He keeps giving her googly eyes." 

Mom tried to give me a intimidating look but the giggle that broke free from her had me grinning. 

Dad walked in at that very moment and gave me a suspicious look. 

"What did you do this time?" he asked, sounding both tired and amused at the same time "And who do we have to send a check too?" 

"She hasn't done anything" Mom laughed before adding "Yet." 

"Then why does she look like the cat that ate the canary?" 

"Because she's trying to embarrass her brother" Mom said "He has a little crush on the new girl in the neighborhood." 

Dad peeked out of the back door curiously, grinning when he saw that my brother was looked at the girl with hearts in his eyes. 

"Thatta boy" Dad whispered quietly, knowing that Tristan would hear him. 

Tristan whipped his head around, found all three of us staring at him, and blushed, his face widening in horror. 

I snickered and pointed, making kissy faces at him when the girl's back was turned. 

Tristan growled and turned around, focusing his attention back onto the game they were playing. 

My Dad lifted me up, kissing my cheeks, and making loud smacking noises to embarrass me. 

I squealed, pushing his face away with my tiny fists. 


"STOP!" I laughed "You're ruining my street cred!" 

Dad paused his attack and gave me an incredulous look "Street cred?"

I nodded vigorously. 

"Do you even know what that means?" Dad huffed out a laugh "Where did you learn that from?" 

BLOOD MOONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora