chapter xiii

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Liked by montydelacruz, jessicadavis, and 3,525 others

sophia.fernandez enjoy these pics zach took of me🥺💗

View all 43 comments

jen.whitley ugh i have the cutest bff

jessicadavis omg sophiaaaa😍

sophia.fernandez you guyssss🙈 @jen.whitley @jessicadavis

zachdempsey Absolutely stunning.

justinfoley33 Bruh y'all can't tell me you're not dating...

sophia.fernandez @justinfoley33 we're just best friends☺️ @zachdempsey 💖

jeff_atkins Oh my🤩

jasonmichaels9 My girl❤️

sophia.fernandez love you boys🥺 @jeff_atkins @jasonmichaels9

-Sophia's POV-

"You ready for school?"I smiled at the screen as I FaceTimed Zach.

"Uh, yeah. I'm definitely ready to leave the house and see all my friends,"he replied.

I nodded. "Yeah, this spring break definitely wasn't the best. But hey, I just wanted to remind you to take all your medicines before you leave and to bring all the work you finished."

Zach chuckled. "You're amazing, Soph, but you need to calm down. I already took my medicines and put all my missing work in my backpack."

"Okay, good. And you already know I planned with Jeff to have him pick you up and drop you off in his car since I won't be able to help with your wheelchair,"I said, putting my phone down for a second so I could finish packing my backpack.

I heard Zach let out a sigh. "Yeah, but why Jeff?"

I picked up the phone and frowned at Zach's annoyed face. "I don't know why you're still jealous of him. He's so nice and he cares about you getting better. Please just go along with it, especially since he's willing to give you a ride."

He nodded,"Okay, fine."

I smiled and blew him a kiss through the screen. "Well, I'll meet you in the parking lot, babe. See ya!"

"See ya, Soph,"he replied before I hung up.

I drove to school and waited in my car in the parking lot, watching everyone leave their cars. It was weird to be back at school. So much has happened in the past few weeks, everything that happened before seems like years ago.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I saw Jeff's car pull into the parking lot. He parked right beside me, and gave me a big smile as he got out of his car. "Hey, Soph!"

"Hey, Jeff,"I replied as I walked around to Zach in the passenger seat of the car.

He opened his door, grimacing a bit.

"Are you okay, love?"I asked, leaning over to give him a soft hug. I hadn't seen him in 2 days, and that feels like months to me now.

Zach replied,"Yeah, just not used to sitting in a car yet."

Jeff brought out his wheelchair from his trunk, and helped Zach get down and sit in it.

"Thank you so much,"I whispered to Jeff as I gave him a hug.

He smiled,"No problem. Anything for you."

Zach looked up at me, and I could see his jealousy. I lightly shook my head and started pushing his wheelchair towards the school. Jeff walked beside me.

As we walked in, everyone gathered around to greet Zach. It seemed as the whole school had come to see him.

"Aye, my guy!"Justin yelled, coming over to dap up Zach. "You look great, man."

Zach chuckled,"I know you're lying, but thanks. Just trying to recover." To be honest, Zach did still look really rough. Most of his bruises and cuts had healed, but he still had his broken shoulder and leg.

Bryce came over and smirked at me before saying,"Dempsey, good to see you! Welcome back, man."

Zach mumbled a few words, but I couldn't really hear what he said. I know he's still mad at Bryce for all the things he has done, and I still wholeheartedly believe it's Bryce's fault that Zach ended up in that accident.

It took a while for us to get past all of the people lined up to greet Zach, but we eventually made it to our first class of the day, English.

Mrs. Ross smiled as I walked in, wheeling Zach. "Ah, welcome back Zach. How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks,"he replied, reaching over to high-five some of his friends.

"Uh, let's just seat you here,"I mumbled, putting him behind a desk where there was no chair. Clearly they had prepared for him.

The spot beside him was empty, so I sat there. Zach reached over and squeezed my hand. "Thank you,"he whispered, looking into my eyes.

I smiled, blushing a bit. "You helped me, now I'm helping you."

At lunch, Zach and I sat at a table with Justin, Jessica, and a few of their friends. I was laughing and feeding Zach some grapes when a hush fell over the table. I looked over my shoulder and saw Bryce standing behind me.

"Hey, Sophia,"he smirked.

I decided to turn my attention to my bag of chips. Anything to not look at his face.

"Man, just leave us alone,"Justin said.

Bryce chuckled behind me, sending shivers down my spine. "Come on, Justin, no need to act all tough. You call me your brother, and this is how you talk to me?"

Justin's face contorted with embarrassment and anger as Bryce walked away laughing.

"I hate him so much,"Jessica mumbled, shaking her head.

I looked at Zach, who immediately tried to change the subject. "Do you want to come over tonight and hang out?"

Jessica leaned over the table to look at us. "Dude, why aren't you two dating?"she asked.

I bit my lip and turned to Zach, who smiled halfheartedly and answered. "I tried to get Sophia on board with being my girlfriend, but she wants to be all cautious and wait until I'm better. Even though I'm completely fine."

I shook my head, smiling a bit. "I just want you to have time to think it over. You're important to me, and I don't want to rush,"I shrugged.

"Aw, how cute,"Justin said sarcastically before getting punched in the arm by Jessica.

She said,"I think it's smart. You guys are basically already dating though. Have you two kissed? You must have."

I shook my head quickly. "No, we haven't."

"Come on, Dempsey! Get on that!"one of the other guys sitting at the table exclaimed.

I blushed as Zach shook his head. "Not cool, man. None of this is your business. What happens stays between Sophia and I, and it shouldn't matter to you,"he said.

I smiled as I looked at him. I can't believe this man is my best friend.

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