Chapter Ten- Mute

Start from the beginning

    I refused food the fourth week and I was on the couch thinking about her again when I thought back to the last night with her. She left in a hurry. I was about to leave to go to the pharmacy but I was too weak. Instead, I called Jeremy, "Jinxx bro, I need you and the guys to check every pharmacy close to the bus. The last night we saw her we, um, you know, did it and I think she went to go get a pregnancy test." He told me he would have each guy check a different pharmacy and he had to go.

    I got up and ate a burger before using all my strength to drag myself to the nearest CVS. The store was empty and I walked to the store clerk which was also the manager. I asked if he had any energy drinks, and then I heard it. I heard her scream. "Who's back there?" I asked. He looked at me with fear in his eyes, "Nobody is back there, sir. Are you okay? You look sickly thin." I shook my head, It must be my imagination. And then I heard it again. Its Valeri, I just know it. I followed the screech and it led to the managers office. I tried to open it but it was locked. I kicked the door in and saw her. She was in critical condition. She looks like she had not eaten in four weeks. She was bruised, bloody, and naked.

    I turned to the door and heard her scream again as I got punched in the face. I tumbled to the ground and regained my balance. I tackled him to the ground and held him by the throat and choked him until his swiping arms went limp. I ran to Val and noticed her feet were handcuffed. I figured he would have them hidden so I asked her where he kept them. She pointed to the second droor of his desk and I opened it, finding no keys. S***, I thought to myself. I walked over to him and reached into his pockets, grabbing keys. I unlocked her and tried to sit her up. I heard a cry of pain and set her down.

    I let tears drip onto her forehead as I dialed 911. The operator answered with a simple, "Nine-one-one what's your emergency?" I told her where we were and that Valeri couldn't move. Within the next hour, the ambulance arrived and the paramedics rushed in. I stayed with her for a month in her hospital room. The day she woke up from her coma, I cried with joy.

    I left when I was told she would be released soon. And now I sit here on the couch, waiting for her arrival. She will be the death of me. I feel numb. I hear the door jiggle and I stand up and face it. It has been a few days since I saw her. And now I can again. She spent the night with Sammi and today I get to see her. I walk to the door and unlock it. It opens, revealing Val and Sammi. Sammi helps her into the bus and she instantly walks to the back of the bus. I look at Sammi and she just shrugs and leaves.

    I stand there for a minute and walk to the back of the bus. I lean my body against the door, already anticipating that its locked, "Val, I need to know if you're okay. Bang the door once for yes, twice for no." I hear nothing and become anxious.

    I try to open the door, and I was right. Its locked. I kick the door in and catch her in the act. She's on the floor crying, silently. She holds a blade to her wrist and there are about twelve fresh cuts. I run to her but she throws the blade at me and cowers in a corner, fear in her eyes. I ignore the blood on my white shirt and walk to her quietly and softly, "Val I'm not going to hurt you." I crouch down beside her and hug her, my arms around her waist. She hesitates, but then decides to throw her arms around my neck. We sit there for an hour, nobody speaking. Just her crying into my shirt and me stroking her hair, comforting her.

    "Shh," I tell her, "Its going to be okay." She feels weak to my touch. I help her up, "Come on. You need sleep." I help her to my bunk and I see the fear in her eyes again, "I'm not going to hurt you" I assure her again. "I'm going to take the couch." I turn around and start to walk. Before I could go far, I felt a small hand around my wrist. I look back to see her, scared out of her mind. She let's go and motions for a pen and paper. I nod and walk to the kitchenette and grab a whiteboard and marker. I hurry back to the room and hand it to her. She scribbles for a minute, trying to control her trembling hands. She then turns the board around to show me a single word written. STAY? I nod and climb into the bed with her. I wrap my arms around her waist and cradle her head as she buries it into my chest. Her breathing evens out and I consider leaving since its like mid day. I decide against it. I can't do that to her, not with what happened to her and what she lost. I could have been a father. That's the only thing that races through my mind as I hold her, But that bastard killed it. I drift off into sleep despite all that's racing through my head

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