"I felt like annoying you." Then he started to laugh.

"Turn in your walkie talkie, your flashlight, your whistle, and whatever else security guards have on duty, 'cause you're fired," I said into the walkie talkie as I swung the door open.

Bill sarcastically laughed. "Very funny."

I laughed. "Who's here in my house, Bill?"

"You'd be surprised," he replied, smirking, and he began to lead me into the sitting room.

Why would I be surprised? I'm sure it was probably, Kidada, Liz, Frank, Mac, or even Karen.

And I was prepared to see either of them in the room, until I'd actually stepped inside.

Instead of those people I named, Annalisa was there, sitting down. Her head was looking out of the window until she heard our footsteps.

When she looked my way, with a little smile, I froze in place.

The only thing I could think was: How the hell did she even get here?


Temple City, California

Annalisa Green -- December 13th, 1991
Location: 1341 Evergreen St.

Annalisa Green -- December 13th, 1991Location: 1341 Evergreen St

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After Aunt Jolene's birthday, mine was now the main focus. My birthday was actually on New Year's Day. But being the early bird planner that she is, she was actually coming up with a huge birthday present as I speak.

I left her to doing that and stayed inside of my room for half of the day. Late this afternoon was when I stepped out to get something to eat from the kitchen.

As I rummaged through the refrigerator in search for the ham and cheese to make a sandwich, Uncle Harry called my name.

"Yes?" I closed the door and grabbed the loaf of bread, untwisting the tie and grabbing two slices of bread.

"Angel outside for you."

Frowning deeply, I slapped the bread ontop of the cheese and put my sandwich on a plate with potato chips. Angel was here, why?

After putting everything back into its rightful place I hurried out of the kitchen with my plate and walked outside. Angel was sitting on the swing, but she stood up when she saw me.

"Hey girl." I could stop her from giving me a hug. She was too quick. "How you been?"

"I'm okay," I replied, sitting on the other side of the bench, keeping a good distance between us. "You?"

A Place With No Name (revamped)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora