Chapter Twenty-Nine

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'I'll leave all this stuff with you, just in case it happens again.'

'Is that likely?' Cas said.

Chase just grimaced, filling the spray bottle with paint thinner.

The door opened again, and Dean went straight to Cas, cupping Cas's face in his hands.

'I'm all right,' Cas murmured.

Dean shook his head and enveloped Cas in a hug.

Cas sighed, his chest loosening at Dean's presence. 'This is Chase,' he told Dean, once he pulled away. 'He's helping me get the paint off.'

Dean nodded.

Chase showed Cas how to get the paint to come off, and helped him clean the whole window.

Mrs Holden returned just as they finished, with a box of her own homemade cookies.

'Thanks, Grandma,' Chase said, taking one.

'It's no trouble at all,' Mrs Holden smiled. 'You're all such good boys.'

'Thank you, Mrs Holden,' Cas said. 'I'll make you some muffins if you want to come back later.'

'That sounds wonderful,' she said. 'Let's go, Chase.' She took Chase by the arm and left with him, waving to Cas through the window on her way past.

Cas sighed heavily once she was gone.

{Do you want me to stay?} Dean asked in concern.

'No, just...' He leaned into Dean's chest, seeking comfort. He allowed himself to linger for a moment, then pulled away. 'You should go to work. I'll be fine.'

Dean kissed him, before reluctantly leaving the bakery.

Cas pulled himself together and hurried to get some baking done, enlisting Alfie as soon as he arrived. He didn't mention what had happened to Alfie, but Alfie could tell that something was off.

When he got home that night, he lay on the couch straight away, dozing off until Dean came home with pizza.

It was quiet for a few days, but then Cas was once again confronted with graffiti on his window. This time reading 'QUEER'. He quickly removed it, but didn't tell anyone that it had happened, not wanting to give the perpetrator the satisfaction of his distress. Again, Alfie noticed his quiet demeanor that day, but chose not to question it.

He tried not to show it, but Cas walked around a little more warily, fearing that it would happen again. He already felt as though people were staring at him when he walked through town. He had no idea who had or hadn't seen it, or whether or not they believed it.

The third time it happened though, a couple of days after the second, Cas merely sat on the floor inside the bakery, staring up at the word 'FAG' on the window. He twiddled his phone in his hands, then texted Dean, I need you. He didn't bother baking anything, or opening the bakery, and remained on the floor waiting for Dean. He forgot to tell Alfie not to come, and watched him walk up to the bakery, stop at the window, and his mouth drop open in horror. Alfie saw Cas through the window and banged on the door.

'Let me in!' he shouted.

Cas sighed and climbed to his feet. He unlocked the door and cracked it open. 'Go home, Alfie,' he mumbled.

'Who the hell did this?' he said furiously.

Cas shrugged. 'I don't know.'

'We should wash it off - no, I'll wash it off - let me in.' He made to go through the door, but Cas continued to block him.

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