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🦋☀ 🌊 - 11

"no way!" jj shouts throughout the whole house, walking away from the girl who announced the party she's going to.

olivia follows the blonde lazily, groaning at the way he acted so suddenly. "why not? it's just a party."

"a kook party!" jj fires back, plopping down on john b's roll out bed beside kiara.

"i'll be hanging out with sarah the whole time. nothing is going to go wrong!" olivia argues.

pope and john b sit back with drinks in hand. they didn't really care whether she went or not, but jj definitely did.

"jj drop it. she just wants to have fun, let her go." kiara huffs at the boys behavior.

"she's turning into a kook. i knew she shouldn't have gone to the stupid beach cleanup shit." jj points at olivia while looking at pope and john b behind her for confirmation, but they don't speak up.

"i shouldn't even have to ask for your permission!" olivia yells, throwing a pillow in jj's direction.

"i don't care! you're not going, end of story. you're not going full kook." jj crosses his arms, looking directly into olivia's brown eyes.

"why are you treating me like a kook? i'm hanging out with you guys for a reason!" olivia motions around john b's place. "stop acting like i'm not!"

"it's just a party, j." john b steps into the argument.

"what? do you want to hang out with rafe? i don't want to be around people who act all goody two shoes like kooks." jj says straight out without thinking about his word choices.

olivia stops mid sentence, staring down at the blonde who didn't even look to care. "excuse me?"

"i said what i said." he puts his hands behind his head, crossing his legs in front of him.

the other three watch in astonishment. wide eyes and everything, they shared a glance between each other knowing how much olivia hated being called a kook.

"fuck you, dude." the girl laughs under her breath, walking to the door. "i strongly strongly dislike you right now."

jj watches the girl leave, letting out a long heavy sigh. "what the fuck." he mumbles.

"yeah, what the fuck is right." john b sets down his beer and moves to the kitchen where he makes himself some toast.

olivia walks back to her house angrily. the amount of anger radiating off of her and bubbling inside was more than she could explain. all she did was respect jj, yet he still yelled at her for every decision she made.

once she gets inside, she runs up to her room and gets changed into a swim suit. she pulls a shirt and shorts over it and takes her bag.

"you're coming?" noah steps into her open door.

"yeah, you got a problem?" olivia snaps.

"not at all." he chuckles. "let's go."

the siblings get into his car and drive over to the cameron household. the party already started and loud music blasted throughout the house.

everyone danced and cheered beers, doing drugs on the lawn, or making out with each other on a chair. but anything olivia saw, she was honestly uncomfortable with.

"hey man!" noah calls out to one of his friends. "where's the alcohol?"

"anywhere dude." the guy smiles.

𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞- 𝐣𝐣 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now