Prologue: Back to Resembool

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Edward looked out of the window of the train he had been currently sitting in. The sun was rising over the country of Amestris as he neared his birthplace and hometown of Resembool. It had been 4 years since he left and is now currently at the respectable age of 22. He remembered clearly the day he left, the day he wanted to be with Winry forever. Sure, his confession was pretty stupid but, on the inside, he was happy nonetheless.

"I wonder if she still remembers" Edward said to himself, "Well, there's only one way to find out"

Upon arriving at the station, Ed made his way towards the home that he was taken cared in after his mother passed away. Before that though, he decided to visit the graveyard. Ed stood in front of two tombstones that read "Trisha Elric" and "Van Hohenheim". He placed flowers on each of them before heading towards the aforementioned home of his. Ed thought back about his father. Sure, he left him when he was young but now that he understood the reason behind it, his grudge against him died down. Now all that was left to do was face the person he made a large promise to. Upon arriving, he knocked on the door and waited until it was answered by a light blonde beauty.

"Ed, you're back" Winry yelped in surprise.

"Yup, and I'll be staying put this time" He replied.

Tears trickled down Winry's eyes before she leaped towards Edward and pulled him into a tight hug. After the wholesome moment, Winry pulled Ed into the house and towards her workshop to get his automail checked. Upon inspection, he had taken very good care of it, only leaving a very minor scratch that he got from falling over. After the check-up, the two went into the dining room to have some tea.

"So, how were your travels?" Winry asked.

"It's been great, met a bunch of great people and learned a lot about alchemy" Ed answered.

"That's great to hear" Winry said as she sipped her tea, "What about Al?"

"He's still in Xing learning alkahestry, he's probably spending time with Mei as well" Ed replied, slightly laughing at the second half of his sentence. Winry giggled at how Ed was teasing his younger brother about his relationship with the Xingese Princess. This led to her wondering if Ed still felt the same way as she did. She still remembered the awkward proposal he made at the train station.

'I wonder if he still remembers' Winry thought, 'I really hope he does, he's the only person I've ever had feelings for'

"So, where's Granny?" Ed asked, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, she's currently in Rush Valley" Winry answered, "She was called for a Mechanics Convention"

"I see, but why didn't you go?" Ed questioned.

"I already knew what was going to happen there and I wanted to make sure I could see you again" Winry replied.

As night began to fall, Ed was putting away some things from his suitcase. He picked up a small black box he got throughout his travels. He opened it revealing a silver ring decorated with a sapphire in the centre. Ed wondered if Winry was still willing to give 85% of her life to him. He chuckled as he still remembered what she told him.

"Well, I won't know if I try" Ed sighed, "I guess I'll try tomorrow then"

Downstairs, Winry was finishing up with the dishwashing. She thought about how Ed didn't bring up anything about their goodbye at the train station. She didn't know if he had moved on or just forgotten. Winry sighed, she decided that she couldn't hide her feelings anymore and will have to face her fear of rejection. Putting away the washcloth, she called for Ed.

"Ed, can I talk to you?" She requested.

"Sure, I'm in my room right now" Ed replied as he put away the ring.

"Hey Ed, I've been meaning to speak to you" Winry started as she walked in.

"Go ahead" Ed prompted.

"Well, I've wanted to tell you something that's been bothering me a bit" Winry began, "But I just don't know how to word it"

"You can tell me Win, we've known each other for our whole lives" Ed pointed out.

Winry thought about it and that it would be a lot easier to express with actions rather than words. Quickly, she grabbed Ed by the face and planted her lips against his. Edward was shocked at this sudden action but eventually calmed down and returned the sudden kiss. The two ended up onto the bed and started exploring each other's mouths. Upon breaking the kiss, Winry was the first to speak.

"I love you Ed" She said with a blush. Ed smiled as he brushed his hand on her cheek.

"I love you too Winry" He replied.

The two began kissing again until all their clothing were shed leaving the two childhood lovers in their undergarments. The night ended on a happy note for the couple, as it went by with a new relationship forming.

'Allo governors, Jaden here. I know it has been a while since I wrote a fanfiction but I had to take a break for school work now that I am getting closer to my exams. I won't update very frequently but I will try and finish this new story. Also, this is my first take on a Fullmetal Alchemist story so I may not be the best at it. Other than that, I hope you all enjoy this and I will try out some new fandoms and ships in the near future. Cheerio everyone.

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