04: I'm In Love... With the Son of my Father's Murderer

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Boo hoo. No comments/critiques/votes = sadgal4lyfez :(

Oh and I know this chapter took long, but that's because my computer decided to crash on New Year's Day. :( Anyway, there's an abrupt ending in here because it's like 5am here and I really need some sleep. :P

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


It has been more than a month, but I still can't find her.

Though, at least, I know she's near.

I have hired two private investigators so far, since it was obvious I couldn't really find anything. Their searches, like mine, haven't been fruitful yet, but at least I'll have something to answer to my dad. He's waiting back in Canada.

When I meet him, I have to have something. Anything.


A shrill ringing woke me up. My handphone. "Hellooo?" I answered groggily.

"Scarlett? Woah, you just woke up? You know that today's a Friday, right?" Emily asked.

"Crap," I muttered under my breath as soft as possible, recalling that Nathan was beside me. "I overslept."

"I'm nearing your house, but..."

"I think I'll be skipping school today. I don't really feel well," I fibbed. "I was in the rain last night."

"What?! Are you crazy?" she yelled into the phone. I glanced over at Nathan, wondering if Emily's voice was loud enough to wake him up. He had always been a light sleeper.

"No. But someone was, I guess."

"Who? Tyler?"

"Of course not. Nathan," I corrected. I heard her gasp in surprise.

"Nathan? Your ex-boyfriend?!"

"Yeah. It's a long story."

"Wow, drama, huh. But it's okay, you can tell me all about it after school tonight! I'll call you! We can talk all night." Emily exclaimed excitedly.

"Um, okay," I said, unsure. "See ya!"

"Bye!" I flipped my phone shut and tossed it onto the bedside table as lightly as possible. I leant back into the comfort of my bed. I felt the corners of my mouth twitching up as I stared at Nathan's sleeping, peaceful face.

After a while, I slowly and sneakily crept out of bed, trying to create as little noise as possible. When I was completely off the bed and saw that I hadn't awaken Nathan, I, being the child that I was, did a little victory pose, complete with a peace sign.

I went to check on my mother. Her bed was undone - heck, even her sheets were on the floor - and the bathroom door was wide open. She was out, and I heaved a sigh of relief when I imagined what might have happened if I hadn't invited Nathan into my room.

After washing up, I saw that Nathan had just woken up. He stood up, looking half-asleep and in the Spongebob pajamas, it was definitely a Kodak moment. I let a small smile escape my lips.

"Good morning," I greeted. "Your clothes are already dry, by the way." I walked over to the hangers, and handed his clothes over to him.

"All right, thanks." He entered the bathroom, closing it behind him. I went into the kitchen, deciding to fix breakfast for us. Scrambled eggs and hotdogs. I hoped he hadn't changed his liking.

"Hey, Scarlett. You don't have to fix my share."

"But I already am," I said as I cracked open an egg into a bowl. "You don't have to worry about troubling me. I have to fix my own too, anyway."

I'm In Love... With the Son of my Father's MurdererWhere stories live. Discover now