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Dear Mum and Dad, 

I hope you are keeping well and staying safe, with the Coronavirus situation happening in Hong Kong. Not being around, I had to hear about the rioters and protests, but around Chinese New Year, I read on upon a virus outbreak in China which was more than a cold and flu. It was actually the Coronavirus! 

I am writing to you today, because the closure of Northview High has been announced by Mrs. Sanderson, the headmistress of the school. You met her when I first arrived and gave as a welcome talk and tour of the school. When she announced it, I felt rather sad and gutted because it is only my first year at boarding school and have not completed a whole year yet. From Monday onwards, school will be going online and will be set some work during lockdown which I do not look forward to but it would be an experience on what will happen. 

After the announcement today, Miss Penn, the girls boarding housemistress has arranged another meeting for each of the boarders saying they should go home or back to their countries as soon as possible before lockdown appears and it gets serious. Most of my friends will not be staying in the UK and have already made plans to go home. I would love to visit you but of course with my anxiety on the plane I decided that I will stay in the boarding house. 

Luckily, Miss Penn said that we could stay in the boarding house as school will be open for pupils with parents who are key workers and those who are vulnerable students. Miss Penn has said that she will be going to look after her family during lockdown and Matron will not be around. Thankfully, she mentioned that she will try to get a guest houseparent to look after me in the boarding house since I am planning to stay. I could go to a host family like what happened during the October and February half term breaks, it would be difficult to find one who could take me in. 

I am going to end this for now, so every Friday I am going to let you know how I am getting on. Stay safe and take care! 

Love, Madison 

Story of Life in Lockdownحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن