Author Hiatus

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"Hiatus?" No, this part is redacted. Kindly check my updated note in "Kept you waiting, huh?" I'll see you guys in the next chapters.




The note from this point forward is outdated but not any less important in case you wanted to be aware of the situation when this book was discontinued for a while:

I won't force you guys to read through this, but I would definitely appreciate it if you invited yourself to be aware of what's going on. At least, you wouldn't think that I just disappeared, yeah? ^^U

No more beating around the bush: lately, I've been bearing physical and emotional burnout and I no longer think that the additional workload I get from writing is healthy.

I tried looking back at the patterns on the way I write, and I noticed that it has been slowly degrading.
My thoughts are scattered, my structures aren't concise anymore, the plot is all over the place and - let's be real, it has this high tendency to be overly dramatized. Simple emotion of being upset just escalates to hatred real quick that it makes me iffy the more I read through the character dialogues. Everything I am feeling in person greatly influences the characters' mindsets that it drags the whole scene down.

I don't want that.

We don't want that.

Normally, I would see this as a way of challenging myself to be more productive, and I was really managing... until I found myself working regularly. My time has been divided and is no longer adequate, or if it even was enough before, for me to take care of myself.
I don't wanna go and instigate some drama by ranting it all out here. No. Not anymore. But there is just something that I'm trying to move forward from. Supposedly, the purpose of my writing was to help myself get back on my feet, yet I think I have overdone it. I pushed myself too much. Now, I have to deal with the repercussions of my own decisions.

"Defiance" would be the second book that I am working on to be put on hold. The chapters are temporarily unpublished, and for those who added this in their libraries and archives, you will hear an update when you do, I suppose.
I can't promise an exact date. Not this time. With the mess in here, it's far from possible. But, I can promise that once it begins to be updated, the book is finished, by then.

Just... allow me to spend some time to fix this while I also fix and work in my real life. It's hard to give this up when I just started to pull myself together and return here, but if I'm losing the reasons why I am even staying, then might as well stop myself before I completely break myself apart. I won't allow myself to. Never again.

I will respond here and in Instagram: miss.reverie since I still do commissions for extra income. Feel free to reach me anytime of day - my inbox is never full.

Thank you so much for understanding.
This is Rev...

Signing out.

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