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Brian and Mia are walking along the beach before they stop to kiss. They walk back up to the house as they hear two engines before seeing a camaro and a challenger. Dom and Elena get out of the challenger while Jayden gets out of the camaro. Dom and Jayden share a quick hug before they walk over to Mia and Brian, who have smiles on their faces.

"Nice surprise," Brian says as they all hug, Dom smiling at how big Mia's pregnant belly had gotten. "Crazy, right?" Elena, Jayden, and Mia go sit on the beach while Brian and Dom stay on the back porch.

"This is the happiest I've ever seen my sister," Dom says as he looks at her.

"Mine too. It's because we're free," Brian tells him before he looks out at all of their cars. "You know, I want another shot."

"Yeah?" Dom asks as he turns to face him.

"Yeah. No wagers, nobody else. Just you and me, once and for all," Brian explains causing Dom to let out a laugh before looking out at the cars.

"You sure you can handle the disappointment?" Dom asks him with a smile.

"Are you?" Brian asks him back.

"All right, O'Conner," Dom says as he looks at him. "Let's see what you got." 

Brian and Dom are out racing when Brian receives the call from Jayden that Mia's water had broke. So, Brian and Dom are currently racing to the hospital. Brian gets in front of Dom as they go around a curve before Dom gets in front of Brian as they take the next curve. Brian passes Dom again as they race into town. Dom gets beside Brian, who gets in front of him as they turn down the road to the hospital.

"Señor O'Conner. Señor O'Conner!" A nun calls in Spanish as they get out of their cars. "Hurry! Come!"

"It's all right. I've got it," Elena tells the nun in Spanish as she rushes over. Elena then walks over to Brian. "It's okay, you're just in time."

"You're going to be a great father, Brian," Dom says as he walks over, wrapping an arm around Elena.

"What makes you so sure?" Brian asks him.

"Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't," Dom answers him causing Brian to smile.

"Get in there. Go," Elena tells Brian.

"Brian," Dom says as Brian walks over to the nuns. Brian turns back to Dom. "Remember, the second you go through those doors, everything changes. Our old life is done." Brian nods before the nuns lead him inside.

"You got this big brother," Jayden says as she exits the room Mia is in, giving Brian a hug. As soon as Mia sees Brian enter the room, she reaches a hand out to him. Brian takes her hand before kissing her.




Hobbs is sitting at his desk as he fills out a report for his latest job. He can't help but grab the file that has been sitting on his desk for the past year. He opens it to see a picture of Jayden O'Conner, the woman who has been plaguing his mind since the moment he laid eyes on her. Hobbs closes the file as he hears footsteps approaching.

"I figured I would find you here," Jayden says with a smirk as she leans on the door frame.

"Jayden, what are you doing here? You know I'm going to have to arrest you?" Hobbs questions her.

"Nah, no one knows I'm here. The cameras are disabled," Jayden explains to him with a smirk. Hobbs smiles at her impressed as she walks over before sitting on his desk. "Besides I do remember telling you that I would see you again." Monica Fuentes walks into the office before looking at Jayden shocked.

"Monica Fuentes," Jayden says with a straight face.

"Jayden O'Conner," Monica says with an equally straight face as Hobbs looks between them confused. Jayden then smirks at Monica causing her to smile. "It's been a while." They hug before walking back over to Hobbs desks. Monica drops a file on his desk.

"You both need to look at that," Monica tells them before Hobbs opens the file. "Berlin, 3:00 a.m. this morning. A team of drivers hijacked a military convoy."

"Toretto?" Hobbs asks causing Jayden to shake her head no, since she knows exactly where the team is.

"Nope," Monica answers him.

"I ain't interested," Hobbs tells her.

"Yes, you are. Keep looking," Monica orders him before Jayden opens the file back up where she and Hobbs can see. She flips through it until she comes across a picture of one Leticia Ortiz. Jayden looks up at Monica in disbelief. "Do you believe in ghosts?"

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