「 Chapter 6 」

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"(Y/N), slow down. You're having a panic attack..."

I shook my head lightly. Flower sighed.

"Let's just go sit down in the car, turn on some music, and get you a water, okay?" She stated.

We sat in the car silently. Before I could figure out what was happening, Flower had her arms wrapped around me tightly.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). He won't mess with you. Len's gone." She mumbled.

Sure enough, Len and his friends were pulling out of the parking lot. I let out a small sigh, feeling a bit safer now.

Flower handed me a bottle of water. "Just ignore him. Okay?"

I nodded and took a sip of my water. Fukase and Oliver came out with a bag of food.

"Is (Y/N) Nee-chan okay?" Oliver asked, getting in the car.

I gave him a small nod. "I'm alright, Ollie."

Fukase sighed. "Good. I was getting worried."

"Let's get back on the road." I suggested.

Flower nodded and sat back in her seat. We were on the road for about an hour before I felt something on my shoulder. I glanced over. Oliver was asleep, gently holding the hem of my shirt. His hat was falling off as well. I smiled a bit and rested my head on his.

"Flower, I told you to not play rock in the car-" Fukase muttered.

She glared at him. "And I told you to stop being a dumbass."

"Guys, Ollie is tryna sleep. Can we please not play music.... At all....?"

Fukase nodded. "That works."

We soon arrived at the camp. I jumped out of the car, seeing Kaito in the distance. I ran over to hug him.

"Ah- oh, (Y/N)!" He smiled and hugged me back. "How was the ride?"

"Pretty good, actually. You?"

"I rode here on the bus. It wasn't the best option."

"Why the bus?" I asked, tilting my head a bit.

"It may sound silly, but I like to sit with my fans and talk to them. It's really fun, yknow. They're all nice people."

I realized Kaito was more of a softie than I thought. I playfully punched his arm and giggled.

"Hey, ice-cream lover!" Someone called out.

I looked behind me to see Gumi.

"Gumi!" I exclaimed.

She laughed and hugged Kaito and I. "Hey!"

Lily was walking behind her with a suitcase. "Gumi, we should get to our cabins."

Gumi nodded. "Do you guys know what cabin you have yet?"

Kaito nodded. "I'm with Gakupo."

"I dunno who I'm with." I said with a shrug.

Gumi patted my head. "Guess I'll see ya at dinner, guys!"

Her and Lily walked off. Kaito held his hand out.

"Want me to walk you to your cabin?"

I smiled and took his hand. "Why, thank you, Prince Kaito!"

"Of course, Princess." He bowed.

We walked to my cabin- Cabin 47. He dropped me off, saying bye.

I walked in to see Rin and Miku. My body slowly walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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