*Chapter Eight* {U.C.}

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*This is pretty short but hey it's something right?*

"John Gilbert" Viktoria greets as he enters the hotel room he's been staying in

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"John Gilbert" Viktoria greets as he enters the hotel room he's been staying in. He glances at her and slowly closes the door. 

"Viktoria Salvatore" John replies. Viktoria smirks wondering the extent of his knowledge on her.

"I hear you've had an interesting day" She says sitting in the corner with one leg crossed on top of the other.

"Yeah, being killed by your husband and coming back to life does make things interesting" John nods fiddling with his keys. Viktoria smirks slightly.

"The 'coming-back-to-life' part is a big key," She tells him. John easily picks up on the 'do-not-retaliate-against-my-husband' tone in her voice. He gives her a small nod. "While Damon told me all about how he killed you and you came back to life he also told me some other more interesting things,"

"Oh? And what was that?" He asks tossing his keys on the counter. 

"That you know about Katherine" John eyes her wearily knowing all too well how unpredictable she can be. Viktoria's eyes glance down at John's hand. She notices him fiddling with his ring, the one that will bring him back to life. "If you think a ring will stop me from killing you, you're sadly mistaken"

"As I told your husband, if you kill me-"

"You will make sure all the information you have over us Salvatore's will be given to the council" Viktoria adds boringly. "Tell me, Johnathan Gilbert, do you know who I am?" 

"Katherine's mentioned you once or twice" John tells her.

"Well, then," Viktoria stands up causing John to tense even more. "I don't think you know exactly what I'm capable of," She walks over to him. "I have been alive a lot longer than Katherine. There is only one person in the world that scares me and you, Johnathan Gilbert, are not that person," Viktoria stops in front of him. "I have absolutely no problem purging this small, insignificant town of every resident. So, you're little threat doesn't work on me,"

"What can I do for you, Mrs. Salvatore?" John wonders knowing deep down that she isn't bluffing. Viktoria grins and walks around him. She enters the little kitchen set up and grabs his alcohol.



Viktoria pours them both a drink. She grimaces at the thought of drinking scotch but gets over it. She slides a glace towards him and he reluctantly takes it while keeping his attention on her.

"I can only assume that you're in contact with Katherine," Viktoria states. "Or at least you have a way to get in contact with her" He doesn't deny her statement. "I also assume that she knows I'm out of the tomb and am living in Mystic Falls at the moment,"

"When do we get to the part where I'm working for you?" John questions. Viktoria slowly smirks.

"Smart boy... If you have good survival instincts then you'll realize that you now work for me while giving Katherine the illusion of working for her," Viktoria explains to him. "Because deep in your heart you know that I am much more dangerous and deadly than Katherine can ever be,"

Mrs. Salvatoreحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن