Although I must admit I'm grateful to be having such a peaceful morning after that whole debacle, and I wouldn't wish to spend it with anyone else.

* * *
The whole day has been quite uneventful. Much to Quentin's delight I agreed to stay off my feet just to be safe, and spent the whole morning with Quentin calling to get updates on all the other packs. So far there have been zero attacks since Crescent Pack's and that doesn't sit well with me. The rogues had no problem jumping from pack to pack wiping out as many warriors as they could, yet all of the sudden they are dormant. Maybe they are the decoy, or the council wanted them to start this plan into action? No matter what the reason is, I spent the afternoon lost in my own thoughts.

Emma came over with Otis after lunch to spend as she called it "girl time". I felt silly sitting on my butt letting her paint my toenails while the world we know could crumble as soon as tomorrow. Otis has grown so fast, and it's hard to keep him from crawling out of your sight. He's an extremely curious child for his age and seems alarmingly aware of his surroundings.

"How are you guys doing?" I look from Otis to Emma who doesn't falter from her precise painting. A dark curl falls into her face, but she just blows it out of the way.

"All things considered we are doing really good." The smile that lights up her face is genuine, and it has me returning it with an equally as joyous one. "We have already discussed having more kids, but I want to wait until we get this council and rogue bullshit over with." This is why I have always enjoyed having Emma around during stressful times. She will always find a way to look on the bright side, but sometimes I worry she may be too optimistic.

"You're not worried?" I whisper as if we could get in trouble for discussing it. She finishes my last toe before screwing the cap back on and sitting up turning her body towards me.

"Of course, but if I let the fear consume me I can't enjoy each day to the fullest." She shrugs glancing back over to Otis who is about to shove a coaster from the coffee table into his mouth. She reaches down gently removing it from his hand before picking him up and setting him down on her lap. "What about you? Have you discussed having kids with Quentin?" My cheeks heat up at the idea, and her eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.

"No, not really. I....uh, no." I stumble over my words feeling embarrassed for acting so awkward when the idea of kids is brought up. Maybe after all of this is over I'll warm up to the idea, but right now having children is the farthest thing on my mind.

"It's okay if you don't want to have any. That's your choice. I was just curious." She reaches over giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. I appreciate her not pushing the subject because it makes me so flustered. "Plus I wouldn't blame you after witnessing this monster." She giggles lifting Otis up and blowing a raspberry on his tummy. He screeches out in delight, a toothless smile spreading across his face.

This is what confuses me the most is I watch adorable moments between Emma and Otis finding it admirable, yet the thought of have a kid myself doesn't feel right. I would be lying if I said it doesn't scare me especially knowing Quentin does eventually want kids.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt. Can we talk?" Carl strolls into the living room with a sad smile on his face. He shoves his hands into his pockets waiting for me to answer.

"Go right ahead. I need to get this guy something to eat anyway." She stands up with Otis, grabbing the diaper bag before hugging me goodbye. "I'll see you later." She waves leaving the house with a sleepy Otis in her arms.

"Want to go for a walk?" I stand up slowly so I don't get dizzy. Carl nods holding his elbow out for me to take. "Thanks." I slip my arm through his letting him lead the way to the back door where I quickly slip on my sandals. We start down one of the commonly used trails.

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