He's Was My Bully(boyxboy)

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Hello this is my third boyxboy story and is nothing to do with my other stories sorry i do a book 2 to one of them later on xxxx

this is a boyxboy don't like it fuck off !! jks love u all really :)

this is R so it will have sex in it and yes between two boy ya know cuz its a boyxboy duh xx

this story is about a 16 year old boy named Max he is short and skinny but not sickly with purple hair and blue eyes hes has is hyper and very cute

Max is well liked in school because his school is very pro gay :) his best friend is called Rosie she is a loving person and a big DRAMA QUEEN

Drake is 18 years old and in the end of his school years and is a bully and Max is his main target he is tall and toned and is the captain of the football team he has blond hair and blue eyes his best friend Rob is always there for him but hates his bulling .

so this is my story i will update as soon as i can tell me if you like comment !!

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