Chapter 40

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Sid was shocked. He couldn't say anything for few moments. Finally he spoke.

Sid: I am sorry Avu for what I did. I am really sorry please forgive me. I shouldn't have 😭😭😭😭😭

Avu smiled at him.

Avu: It's alright Sid. I have forgiven you

Sid: Jealousy tak ka toh I understand but yeh Rii wala drama. (Shouts) Do you guys even have an idea how worried I was?😡😡😡😡

Anu: I am sorry Sid. It was my plan. I am really sorry😞😞😞😞

Avu: No Anu we all supported you. So it's everyone's fault. But Sid seriously we never wanted to hurt you. We all are sorry

Sid: Ok fine but mind that nothing like this should happen again

Jaan: Yee sure

Reem: Avu

Reem winks at her and she understands.

Rii gave Avu a ring.

Avu sits on one knee

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Avu sits on one knee.

Avu: Sid I know we used to hate each other in begining but I don't know when and where but I started having feelings for you. I really love you Sid and I can't live without you. I wanna spend my whole life with you loving you, caring for you and fighting with you. Will you be mine Mr. Siddharth Nigam

Avu forwards the ring.


To be continued

What will be Sid's reply?

Will he accept the proposal?

Stay tuned for next chapter

HER ARROGANT LOVER {COMPLETED} ✔️✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant