Day 5

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Day 5 (5th June 2020) : Parents

I would say the only element of our life that is totally not in our control is who our parents would be. In this matter I should say I am very lucky, because without asking for it I have the best parents in the world. I love them. I am no doubt a mumma's girl, but there are times when no matter how hard my mom tries to calm me down or explains few things to me, I won't listen. But the moment my dad says the same thing I will listen.

As usual, being the only child and a girl child, I am pampered by my father. If I have to reveal my bad marks or convice my mother for something I will pass it through my him, because I know even if he gets angry I just have to bring out a tear or two and he will immediately melt (I know that's very naughty of me).

I have heard a story that when I was born, few of my relatives weren't happy cause I was a girl. But my mom and dad were thrilled and my dad did express his aversion to that ideology in front of those relatives.

I consider myself lucky to have the best parents. My parents have supported and trusted the decision that I made for my life. Those who are close to me will know few of my decisions and how big and the kind of effect it had over my life, yet my parents support me with my choice.

One of the decisions they supported me was when I decided to take up a career in design. So I chose Humanities with painting during my higher secondary. While majority of Indian parents disapprove this particular career/stream and are inclined towards more stereotypical careers, I am proud to say my parents were very happy that I chose something I really like and excel at and provided their full support and encouraged me to pursue my path relentlessly.

There is a thing my parents did that I may never forget. Probably have forgiven them for that incident but will never be able to forget. But still I don't love them any less. They mean the world to me.

The are most important to me in this whole world...


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