somebody gone die today pt.1

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so it's been a week since we assasinated trump and made that speech

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so it's been a week since we assasinated trump and made that speech. uhh mattia and i are still not together. i wouldn't mind it but i'm waiting for him to ask.

anyways i kinda sorta blew up on social media after that speech. i now have 60mil in ig and 74mil on tik tok.


i am still in search for someone, preferably black, to be president. i would do it myself but i can't deal w that pressure, plus i could get caught since i do, you know.

i need to find someone good to represent us and that will let me have a say in choices cause i think that i make good choices while thinking of everyone.

well today is our next mission. this one involves the hell maker himself, derek. what he doesn't know, is that i'm a diabla and i will not hesitate to send him 400ft under.

y- we leave at 7

oh yea. we're in a meeting rn.

y- all you people thag used to work for my mothe work for me now and if you turn on me, i will kill you w the blink of an eye. idc if you have a family cause i warned you.

they all nodded.

y- okay. i will be putting everyone in groups and there will be a leader or leaders.

they looked confused.

y- first group is destiny, taylor and any 4 guards. then, kairi, alvaro and whoever the lightest guard is. then roshaun w any 6 guards. then mar and raven w any 3 guards and lastly zoe will be in the car w robert.

zoe- why?!

y- zoe you don't know how dangerous these people are and i'm not risking it.

zoe just rolled her eyes and walked out. she's mad but idc.

y- robert your probably going to lock the doors at a point

rob- probably

y- oh yea and mattia is w me

des- where is it?

y- it's on some empty field that basically in the middle of nowhere

alv- creepy asf but ok

y- yea i know it's weird but i feel like something bigs gonna happen. some or all of you guards may die.

guard- what about them
^points at the gang

y- i have person connections to them so ofc imma make sure they make it out alive even if i don't

tia- don't fucking say that

y- say what?
^bats eyelashes..

he just rolled his eyes and walked out.

y- anyways- y'all can leave now

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