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Why is Ish always annoying me? Yesterday, my sister Ish was drawing a self potrait. She claims herself to be a great artist. But when you take one look at her pictures, there is a one hundred percent chance that you might tear the paper to bits. Anyway, I had to present my science project in school today. I rolled it up and put it on the dining table. Unfortunately, Ish's self portrait paper was also lying on the tabl e. I was already late for school today and so I hurriedly stuffed my mouth with breakfast and woefully took Ish's self potrait instead of my science project. During science class, Mrs.Doriet asked me for the project. I proudly opened up my project and showed it to the class. I expected an awe look on the faces of the students. But all of them, including Mrs.Doriet, cracked up like crazy. Wondering what was wrong, I looked at my project paper. A ridiculous crayon drawing of a girl stared back at me. It was really embarrassing. Well, then Mrs.Doriet gave me a 'C' grade on my project. I was so upset as I am a straight 'A+' student. Mrs.Doriet was the kind of person who doesn't give people second chances.

After school, Amanda and Scorpius took me to the McCaffrey Ice cream parlour to cheer me up. We ordered our gelatos and were waiting for it, when I saw an old lady struggling to talk to the parlour guy. I went up there. It seemed that the lady was French and didn't know any English and the parlour guy didn't know any French. Me, knowing some French( I attended a lecture on how to tackle French at the SA University),translated the old lady's orders to English and told the guy, making communication way easier for both of them! I then only realised that the old lady was blind. I even helped her carry her ice cream package and helped her get into her car. The old lady offered me a great deal of thanks, although it was in French (merci, merci mon cher garçon!) which left my mind really cheerful and light. I even gave half of my gelato to Amanda.

I returned home. I didn't care about my 'C' grade. Since I didn't have much homework to do, I decided to do some cooking and planned to bake a pie. I opened my grandmother's cookbook. I hadn't thought much about the last blank page in the cookbook( Jammy Berry Pie). But this time, when I got to the blank page, it had a new small map route-like drawing below the quote- the good deed one . I found another line below the map. It said "Congratulations! Follow the route." But the last time I looked at that page, the map route and the congrats thing was not there. How did they just, magically appear from nowhere? It was so mystifying! I had safely kept the book in my locked cupboard. I looked at the map again. It looked incomplete. It showed three trees followed by a series of dots and a cross marked at the end. All this was, like, so weird. I pinched myself and it did hurt. Maybe I am going crazy. I figured I had to tell Amanda and Scorpius about all this mysterious stuff. Is this a joke? Or is it really magic? I had to find answers to all this.

Yours magically,
Sheldon Fortisque

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