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I paced the length of the hallway once more, listening to Imogen's agonizing screams. What made us decide for a second child was beyond me. Our first born, Katrina, is now four years old and the spitting image of her mother. Her chocolate brown eyes were enough to make anyone of her uncles, and new grandfather bend to her every need. Katrina's pregnancy and birth were difficult. During the course of the preganacy, Imgen had fallen ill and found it increasingly difficult to keep her strength. I almost lost them both on the day of her birth.

"Papa," a sweet little voice called, drawing all my attention to her. I lifted my daughter into my arms and held her close. "When is mama going to come out?"

"As soon as she can, my little Cat." I said, kissing her forehead. "Mama is waiting for your little brother or sister to come out."

"Can I name the baby?" She asked, putting her tiny arms around my neck.

"What would you like to name the baby?" I asked, walking into my study.

"Albert or Abby," She said after a pause. I placed her on the floor and grabbed her favorite book from my desk.

"Shall we?" I asked, opening to the page where we left off. 

Over the past four years, life changed. Katrina was born shortly after her cousin, Candace, then came her cousins Aileen, Theodore and Evalina. Candace, Theodore and Evalina belonged to Colin and Annabeth, and were as beautiful as their mother. Aileen belonged to John and Bambi, who were married in 1819. Bambi was expecting their second child in three months time. The heat of July was almost unbearable for the few pregnant women in the house hold. My married sisters came home a month ago when Imogen felt close to giving birth.

Aileen O'Boyle remarried to Mr. Williams in 1818, and made Imogen beyond happy. Barnabas, now seventeen years old, was preparing himself for my alma matter this fall. He decided to practice medicine once his first round of schooling was over. Caiden, Aiden and Alastar were rambunctious teenagers, not yet ready to be sent away to school. Margaret was still shy and unsure of how to act, seeing as her her oldest sister was so much older than she. Bridie, Edgar and Edna were growing out of their baby stages and were being tutored by their Governess almost daily, as was Keegan.

I worried about my family, especially Katrina and Imogen. I worried for my daughter's safety and my wife's health. I worried that Katrina may not make it to ten years old, I worried that Imogen would try to take her life again if we lost anymore children. It did not help to worry over the little things, but it was all I did most days.

"Derek," Bambi breathed as she opened the door to the study. Katrina and I turned to look at my sister. "You have a son." I moved Katrina from my lap and quickly stood, crossing the room to my sister.

"Can I see my wife?" I asked quietly. "Is she alright?"

"Imogen is doing wonderfully, but you cannot see her yet. Your son is with Aileen and Warren." Bambi said, taking my hands. "There is another baby inside Imogen."

"Twins." I whispered, slowly sinking to my knees. We were having twins. "Bambi, what if she dies?" I asked. We remembered mother. She died giving birth to multiples. I could not go through that with Imogen.

"She's fine, Derek. As I left, the head was almost half way out. Go, get your son and wait for Anna to come out. I will stay with Katrina." Bambi said, moving out of the doorway. I ran to my mother-in-law and took my son, Albert, from her. He was beautiful. I could already tell he had my hair, but his eyes, they were a hazel color, so similar to his mother's. I cradeled him in my arms as I paced the length of the hallway slowly, lulling him to sleep. I heard my bedroom door open and shut softly, causing me to turn towards the sound. Annabeth came over to me with a smile.

"You have a daughter as well. Imogen is asking for you. Go before she decides to come out of the bed." Annabeth said, shooing me into the room. After my sister closed the door behind me, I watched my wife and daughter. Imogen looked exhausted, but she would never admit it. My daughter, Abigail, had blonde hair like her brother, but from her open eyes, I knew she would have my eyes.

"Stop staring," My wife ordered softly. Her eyes were glued to Abigail as she spoke, the same way she looked at Katrina when she was born.

"I cannot help it, Im. I love watching you with our babies." I said, moving to sit next to her. "Katrina has already named them." I informed her. Imogen turned her head towards me with a smirk.

"What did she name them?" Imogen asked, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Albert and Abby, but Abigail suits her better." I said, stroking Albert's head. "They are beautiful, Imogen. I cannot thank you enough for blessing us with three beautiful angels." I leaned in and kissed her lips, pouring all the love I had for her into it.

"Ew," Katrina commented as she entered the room. I groaned, pulling away from my beautiful wife. She smiled and patted the small space between us.

"Come, my babby." She said as Katrina climbed into our bed. "Who would you like to hold first?"

"Albert," She said happily, extending her arms to me. I gently put Ablert in her arms with a smile. My family was beautiful, and ever expanding. I will love them for the rest of my life.






Hello lovelies!

The Debt is finished! I will get the summary for The Travelor up soon!

Merry Christmas! 2 more days! I am on Christmas break for almost two weeks!

Lots of Love,


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