Untitled Part 126

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"Tik tik tik," Grant said, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and blowing out smoke. He looked around the surrounding area, grimacing and wiping his eyes because of how bright everything was. He cursed under his breath and began to get up. Grant stretched and sighed, looking at the sad pile of dead bones around. That's when he heard a familiar chuff. Grant's eyes widened as he wiped his head around. "Oh, shit" he quickly grabbed his bag, putting over his back and looking for the cat. Her bright blue eyes glistened against the light of the snow around her. She was close. Grant grabbed his rifle and began to back away keeping an eye one the leopard. The snow leopard jumped towards him and began racing to get her prey. Grant's eyes widened but he quickly got his gun. He put the sight up to his eye and shot, hoping that it hit her. He let out a breath as the cat stopped and fell over, sliding into the deep snow. She started to howl in pain. He set down his backpack and got out a spare piece of cloth and gauze. He carefully went over to her and wrapped the cloth around her leg and putting the gauze around it, making it secure. Grant took the bullet that effortlessly passed through a thin part of the animal's leg and threw it in his campfire. He pets the leopard's head as he fed it some of the last food he had. He knew full well that once this wild animal got healthy again, she'd go with her natural instinct. He felt strangely content with that fact.

The beast got better, and strangely when she was able to walk she limped back into the woods. Grant smiled at her as she went. Ring ring ring. Grant shuffled in his bag and grabbed the old worn out flip phone.

"Hey, Grant! You're lotus' brother right?" a smooth female voice came over the line.

"Uh, yes, who are you?" Grant said, his tone came across confused and cautious.

"My name is kara, but that isn't the point. So I know from Lotus your an activist and theres these black lives matter protests and cops are getting very handsy per se. So would you be willing to come help?"

"Buy me a ticket out of this dump and I'll be right with you,"


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