3. Takao Kazunari: Knight in Shining Armor

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3. Takao Kazunari: Knight in Shining Armor

{Kingdom AU}

You were (F/N) (L/N), the sole queen of Shūtoku. Six months ago your parents were killed on the road to a trade agreement with Kaijou by goblins. You were alive but barely living as you mourned over their deaths isolated in your room. The advisors decided you needed to come back to the real world and deal with your kingdom's problems as queen.

You pursed your lips as you stared at the novel in your hands, the jumbled mess of lines becoming words as you focused back onto the page. Takao, your most trusted knight and best childhood friend, poked your knee with his foot and you looked up at him with a dazed, confused expression.

"You've been on that page for the last fifteen minutes, Your Highness." He pointed out. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side. "What's troubling you?"

"It's nothing." You reassured, shaking your head. You narrowed your eyes and kicked him in the shin, wincing as you felt your toes bruise against his armored leg. "Don't call me 'Your Highness', Sir Takao. That's annoying."

"The others would have my head if they heard me speaking informally to the Queen of Teikou." He replied, shaking his head.

You sighed and shut your novel and laid it on your lap. "Kazunari, I don't feel well. Can you get my medicine out of my bag in the back?"

"Of course," he grinned.

He got to his feet and slid out of the carriage with practiced ease. You reopened your novel and tried to pick up where you left off. Truth to be told, you felt perfectly fine. It's just that it was hard to think with Takao around.

The door of the carriage opened and you didn't look away from your novel since you were in the middle of a sentence. "Thank you, Kazunari."

No response.

You furrowed your eyebrows and turned your head. "Kazunari?"

Your eyes widened in horror and a scream caught in your throat. A goblin stood where Takao should've with a nasty sneer on its face. It had dark green skin with a texture similar to leather that was left outside during a storm. Wrinkled and disgusting, it was about five feet tall and had a twisted sword pointing at you.

"C'mere, Yer Highness." It snarled. Judging by the masculine voice, it was safe to assume it was male.

"What do you want?" You demanded, your voice cool and unwavering. You reached behind you, knowing that there was a hidden sword underneath the cushions.

The goblin growled and took another step forwards. "You, a course. Jus' get over 'ere already. I'd hate to ruin that darlin' face of yers."

You gripped onto the handle of the sword and narrowed your eyes. "What makes you think that I would be stupid enough to follow your orders, you lowly grunt?"

The goblin bared his teeth and leaped at you with a throaty shout. You whipped the sword forwards and gasped as it slid through his torso like knife through butter. He groaned and coughed up blood, covering your nice (F/C) dress in crimson. You whimpered and through him to the side and held your sleeve to your face to block out the awful stench and terrible sight.

The carriage came to a jerking stop and the door flew open. Takao stood there with his bloodied sword drawn and held a hand out to you. "We have to go. They're sending reinforcements and we'll be dead if we don't run now."

You wordlessly nodded and gripped onto his arm as you got out of the carriage. Dead bodies were littered about and you would've thought they were dead if it weren't for the deep gashes and spurting blood. Takao pulled on you and you looked away and started running.

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