chapter 2

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I looked myself to the mirror. I tried to fix my pink dress but fail miserable. I got my hair into a ponytail and walked up to my car. Don't worry y/n everything is gonna be alright. I tried to calm myself down but it didn't seem to work at all. As I started the car I noticed some clouds in the sky but I just ignored them.

Few minutes later I was outside of my parent's new house. I nervously walked out of my car and headed to the door. " name" said the quard who was wearing a black suit and had a cold face on.  "Y/n , l/n" I said as I putted my glasses in my bag. He nodded and pressed a button which made the gold gate to open. As you probably understood, my parents and siblings are wealthy as fuck.  And there's me.

A girl which her only company is cat named Oliver!.

I took a deep breath and knocked a few times. Not even a minute later my dad opened the door and hugged me tightly to the point I couldn't even breath. "I- I love you too dad but I can't breathe" he quickly let go of me and smiled. " I am so glad you're here, I thought you wouldn't come" he said with a warming smile. I started feeling guilty about all this years rejecting them. But it's my own fault and I have to face the consequences. " I am glad I am here too dad"

Another lie! What a surprise!.

I looked around amazed of the new house. It was like a palace. Soon I started hearing laughs and cheers. I saw my three brothers chatting happily. " y/n!". Joy and as he hugged me, I smiled and hugged him back. " I didn't know you would come little sister!". All your relatives was there. My uncle and aunt, grandma was sitting on a chair alone looking unimpressed with the whole situation. "Where is chrollo dear?" My mom asked as she served the food to the table. I didn't know what to say. Joy looked at me confused as to why I was taking so long to answer this simply question. " well uhhh we broke up!" I answered a little too excited. " if he cheated on you,I am beating his ass". I rolled your eyes to your stupid brother Jason. " no Jason I was the one who broke up with him!".

I swear to god I am addicted to lies!.

" that's my babygirl!" Dad said and kissed my cheek. " it's time to eat" my mother announced. We all sat down and we stared eating. I am gonna be honest. I missed this, being all together like a family should do. I know deep down that someday I have to tell them the truth. About me,my job...

About chrollo..

My thoughts once again went to the leader of the phantom troupe. I tried to push them away but I keep seeing that black haired man. " are you okay y/n " you heard your brother joy whispered in your ear. You nodded and smiled softly. After a few hours of pointless chitchat you decided that it was time for me to leave. " it's a shame that you are leaving so early" my dad said as he hugged you. " I know but I promise that I'll be visiting more often". That wasn't a lie though. I did wanted to visit my family more often.

"Take care love" mom said and hugged me back. I gave her a peck on her cheek and headed to your car. It was now late at night and it was very dark. I got in my car and started driving thinking how much I wanted to take off this awful dress and (couch). Thirteen minutes later I was able to arrive to my house after I lost my way. As I stepped in I felt like something was wrong..something different but not in the good way. It's just your mind playing tricks y/n..I said to myself as he took of my shoes and pet Oliver. I decided to take a bath to make me relax and I did.

I let out a breath of relief as I stepped out of the shower. I stared getting dressed when suddenly I heard a huge bang outside of my window. I quickly looked at the way of the sound was heard only to see nothing. I laughed a bit at my stupidity. I am just being paranoid. I thought to myself as I opened the door but suddenly, I felt a hand on my mouth and someone typing my hands together. I tried to scream (but my head was under water no?okay-) but I couldn't. I felt my eyes closing and everything went dark

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