"Listen," Taehyung began, pointing at the male with his spoon. "I was more hungry than angry, to be honest. Also, you had your reasons. Whatever that was, you'd kept it hidden for a reason. It's not my part to get mad for being nosy."

Then rubbing his jaw, the spot where Jungkook had punched him, he continued. "You really should stop resorting to violence though. Covering my eyes would've been less painful."

"I know." Jungkook agreed, tugging slightly at his hair. "It's just that- when it comes to you my brain just has no control over my hands."

Choosing not to comment any further to save his precious precious face from injury, Taehyung changed the topic of their conversation.

"What was there though? I mean, if you want to tell me that is." He said, bringing his hands up to protect his face.

"Ah. Actually." Jungkook said with a tight smile. "It's- It's for Jiminie."

What!? No. No. No. There was no way he'd be accepting Jungkook as a love rival. Ah, not that Taehyung was in love with Jimin or anything. Yes, he found the guy attractive and cute and loved his smile but no. He wouldn't call that love exactly. It was just...

"Y-You like Jimin?"

"What the fuck? No!" Jungkook said, scrunching his face in disgust. "The dude's basically a brother to me."

"Then why-"

"It's a form of apology I guess?"

"Wait. Why-"

Jungkook banged his head on the table, exhaling loudly. "In short, Jimin is the way he is because of me."

"You mean... You made him go deaf?" Taehyung asked, not being able to assess what the other was trying to tell him.

"God Taehyung, no!" Jungkook exclaimed, releasing a sigh of frustration. "How do I put this... He- Well Jimin is on this um... Level of kindness where he'd prefer suffering to seeing a loved one suffer."

The male paused.

Taehyung felt bad for being so nosy and asking him these questions. It must have been a painful memory, given the way he was behaving. Before Taehyung could get a word out though, Jungkook spoke.

"Joon and I... We were making our monthly visit to the city and Yoongi asked us to take Jimin along with us. He needed to get new hearing aids so like... We took him along."

"Hearing aids? You mean Jimin wasn't born deaf?"

"No. He'd been hard of hearing at birth but it got worse over the years and now he can't hear anymore. Mostly my fault."


"You sure the two of you are going to be okay on your own?" Namjoon asked eyeing the two males before him.

"Of course, Joon. Stop worrying." Jungkook said flashing the other a thumbs up. "Now you go meet that friend of yours."

"Ok then. I'm leaving Jimin in your care."

With that, the older got into his truck and drove away. Once the older was gone and out of sight, Jungkook turned to Jimin.

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