Methu-Selah looked concerned at his wife as Carol turned to him at the back. She sadly sighed when the two lawyers had finished their statements. Jennifer returned to her seat and drank a glass of water.

" The prosecution may call its first witness, " Ozpin said.

" The People call Commander of the UN Security, " Nilgram added.

A bearded Moroccan man came which he was being aided with the clerk. He stood beside the judge and confronted the jury.

" Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the
testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? " the clerk asked.

" Yes, in the name of Allah, " the first witness replied.

" Please state your first and last name. "

" Jalal El-Fassi. "

" You may be seated. "

El-Fassi took his seat at the witness stand when Nilgram stood-up and walked over. The Moroccan UN Security Commander was ready to answer any questions from the prosecutor.

" Commander El-Fassi, " he spoke. " Where were you when the St. Petersburg incident transpired? "

" I was assigned to lead a team to protect the UN Ambassadors at the hotel. I was talking to Dr. Henry McCoy before we got on field. "

" For what event? "

" The UN Peacekeeping Summit held at the University of St. Petersburg. "

" Did you see the incident within the city areas when it happened? "

" Yes, me and my men are guarding hotel at those hours. We saw and heard an explosion from a distance. I asked few of my units to inspect around the streets. "

" What did they find? "

" It was Captain Marvel who were causing those explosions, " El-Fassi continued. " We found her extremely dangerous which my men could not handle her such tremendous intensity. "

Nilgram turned to the half-Kree woman and evilly grinned. Carol secretly used her seventh-sense which she found the deputy lawyer differently. She remained silent, kept touching her abdomen, and turned to her husband.

" Methie, I found suspicious with this guy..." she telepathically spoke and raised her eyebrows. " I think he's letting the other party win this case. "

" Well, I knew that, but let's see the outcome, " her husband replied and looked concerned at her. " By the way, are you all right? "

" I feel bloated, but I need to finish this trial. "

" Just let Ms. Walters know, if you don't want to proceed this case. I'm worried about your condition and our baby. "

" I know we can win this case, Methie. This is for us and Amnon's as well. "

" Had anyone in your team to defeat and arrest the defendant? " Nilgram continued.

" Like I said earlier, we could not handle her. We saw the other authorities coming to her. "

" Thank you, I have no further questions. "

The prosecutor returned to his seat when Judge Ozpin turned to the other party. Jennifer Walters remained silent and thought the answers were sufficient enough from the first witness.

" Does the defense have any questions? "

" No further questions, your honor, " the green-skinned defense attorney replied.

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