I sighed. "Justin and I are kind of hooking up." I said, and my own words shocked me. That was the first time I admitted it out loud.

     Jacey and Molly gasped, Xenia fake clapping for me finally admitting it.

     "Are you serious?"

     "When did this happen?"

     I shrugged, "not too long ago. It's nothing serious, okay?"

     "Do you think Justin has told his friends?" Jacey wondered.

     "I doubt it," Xenia said, "if he would have, I think they would have backed off by now."

     "True." Jacey and Molly agreed.

     "Well, I also told him not to tell anybody and he told me not to worry that he wouldn't, whatever that means." I said and rolled my eyes remembering the last part when he told me.

     Xenia laughed, "why roll your eyes?"

     "Selena, are you jealous?" Jacey chuckled.

     "Uh, jealous?"

     "It seems like you're a bit upset that Justin agreed with you not to tell anyone." Molly laughed.

     Before I could respond, I saw the principal walking towards us and he greeted, "good morning girls, I hope we are ready to start our Monday to a great start?"

     "Yes sir." We all replied.

     "Selena, can you come with me to my office for a bit?" He asked and I nodded and followed him to his office. When we were alone, he shut his door to clear his throat. "Well great news," he began, and my stomach started to get butterflies, "we have clear evidence that Charlie Pearch has been the one leaving the notes in your locker."

     "That's great," I sighed in relief. "What's his punishment?"

     This time the principal sighed, but more out of frustration. "Sadly, the most we can give is a week suspension along with a written apology from him."

     "What!" I shrieked out and stood up so fast the chair I was sitting in fell to the ground. "Suspension, that's it? Not expulsion? Not a restraining order?"

     "Selena, yes we have proof he was leaving notes in your locker along with food, but we cannot say he was putting you in any danger."

     "He was borderline stalking me!" I argued.

     "I've talked to the police and they agree, there is not much they can do. You haven't seen him following you, at your house, or in random places. It's hard to determine as well because you both attend this school and will run into each other in the hallway.

     "Those gifts he left me were unwanted! That is stalking!" I said and felt the urge to cry. I wasn't afraid of Charlie, no, but I was afraid of what he could possibly do along the lines. Right now, he wasn't harming me but what if in the future he was to?

     "The best advice I can give you Selena is to stay alert, okay? Charlie will not return to school until next week and he must write you a letter."

     "I don't want a damn letter from him!" I yelled and grabbed my bag, storming out of his office and straight to the bathroom.

     I found the bathroom empty and went into a stall and started to cry. People didn't understand—no. That's how Jared started out. Leaving me love notes, gifts and texts, asking other people to communicate with me. When I rebuffed and ignored his advances, he ended up escalating. Started calling me, showing up everywhere I was, and even starting to threaten me and my family. But I was too afraid—too afraid to tell anyone. I kept it all to myself. When I found out we were moving, that's when I called Jared out and officially ended things between us.

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