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When class went back to normal, it couldn't exactly be called that.

Though the classroom felt the same, everyone was still talking about the USJ, congregating together and making a fuss about the ordeal.

If you were being honest, the whole thing was just headache inducing.

"We're totally a big deal." Kaminari cooed, him, Jirou, and Mineta all gathered around your desk. "Those news channels love us."

"Yeah, that's kinda crazy." Kirishima added as he joined you four.

"Get over yourselves." Jirou rolled her eyes. "The hero course that pumps out pros was attacked. That's what they care about."

Kaminari was quick to agree with her.

"Yeah, who knows what would've happened to us if the pros hadn't shown up?"

"Why would you say that!? I'm gonna pee myself just thinking about it!" Mineta yelled, causing you to lean and sink back into your chair. His voice didn't help the headache bit.

"Shut up!"

You hadn't even noticed he'd arrived.
His voice didn't help very much either.

Then again, Bakugo was always a bit different in the light of day.

Same scowl, same attitude, but-

Different from the person who's room you'd been in a few days ago.

"Grow a pair loser!" He yelled back at Mineta who was already shuffling back to his desk.

"Katsuki." You whined, rubbing your temples. "Please stop screaming."

His fist collided with your desk.

"Why are you calling me that!?"

When were you going to learn, early morning Bakugo wasn't the best of the Bakugo's to tease. Even as he spun to face you, every single one of your classmates jumped back a step.

You didn't.

Because honestly, you were too tired to.

With groggy, careless features, one of your brows rose at him.

"Would you prefer I go back to calling you boom boom boy?"

Luckily for you, the door to the classroom creaked open so Bakugo was unable to say anything back.

"Morning class."

Mr. Aizawa.
What was he doing back so soon?

Limping through that doorway, bandages wrapped around his hands, covering his face much like his scarf had. Now, you could only just barely get a glimpse of his eyes. Their redness had faded slightly, and though they seemed exhausted as always, he didn't look in too much pain.

That brought you a bit of solace.

Standing at his podium, your teacher assured us he was fine and fit to work again.

Even more so, he assured everyone that all of you were fit to work again.

What a joy.

You drowned out most of what he was saying till mentions of the sports festival came up.
That pulled back your attention very quickly.

Bakugo's too.
You didn't fail to notice his chin lift from his palm and his back straighten at the news.
You even felt the smirk on his face once Aizawa began to talk about the fighting involved.

How did Shoto feel about this coming so soon after the USJ?

Looking back over your shoulder, you peered at him as subtly as possible.

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