Chapter 13

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Tobias POV:

Leaning against the brick building wall, I searched around the area, seeing if there are any of Anthony's men nearby. I held my gun close to my chin, placing my index finger on the trigger, getting ready to fire.

I took a step closer away from the building, getting a better view of the road. The roads were clear, so I lowered my gun and nodded my head to the others to follow me.

"Can we take a break, we've been walking for hours," Zeke whined. I could hear Zeke stomping his feet like a little five-year-old.

I kept my guard up, looking down at each alley. "Sure, if you want us to die that is," I answered, not looking at him.

"Come on! Please!" Zeke begged.

"I said no and that's final." I snapped.

"Tobias, please. Zeke is right. We've been walking for hours." Zey spoke. I could hear the pebbles under her feet stopped crunching.

I stopped for a moment and turned around. Zey was standing a few feet away from me. She was covered in sweat and was gasping loudly through her mouth. "You finally decided to talk," I said to her. She ignored me, looking down at her feet.

I took a deep breath and looked around to find a good place to rest for the day. "Alright, we can stay at that building. I pointed towards the half-decent looking building. "We will stay there for the night."

"Thank God. I was cooking under this heat." Christina remarked.

"Finally!" Zeke cheered and walked by Zey. "I don't know how you did it, but thank you, you saved our butts from walking all day." Zeke placed his arm around Zey's shoulder. I felt a pang of jealously inside me. I rolled my eyes and continued walking towards the building.

I jogged across the street and stopped right in front of the door. I gripped the doorknob and turned it, but it wouldn't budge. I gripped the top of the gun and made the end of the gun slam against the doorknob. With all my force I collided the end of the gun to the doorknob until it broke off. I kicked the door opened and stepped inside.

The door opened to the main lobby, which was in good condition, everything was untouched and dusty. "We will stay here for the night. And we will continue walking early tomorrow morning."

As the others stepped inside, Zeke quickly rushed to the nearest couch and plopped right on it. "Ahh..." Zeke breathed, stretching out his arms and legs.

Christina sat down against the wall by the door, feeling the air. "Tobias." Zey walked up and stood right beside me. "We should leave in the afternoon, we are all really exhausted from the walk." She lifted up her head and stared at me, waiting for my answer.

"No, it's not safe," I replied, staring right to the wall.

"You think everything isn't safe." She mumbled.

"What did you say?" I hissed. I stared down at her, seeing that she isn't making eye contact with me this time.

"Nothing. I'm going to sleep." She speed-walked to the stairs and slammed the door shut.

"Real smooth Tobias. Real smooth." Zeke muttered. I snapped my head towards his direction, glaring at him. Zeke glared back at me and then he simply shrugged, breaking our gaze. Christina stood up, letting out a groan as she stretched her arms.

"I'll go talk with Zey. She seemed a little down today." She said to no one specifically. She jogged up the stairs and stopped by the door to the room where Zey is resting in. I could hear Christina lightly tapping against the door. After a few seconds, the door squeaked open.

"Oh, hey Christina." I heard Zey whisper.

"May I come in?" Christina asked.

"Sure." I heard the door creak louder and then was closed shut. I let out a sigh and sat on the staircase, staring at the distance.

"Do you like her?" Zeke spoke after a few minutes.

"Uh?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "Who? Zey?"

"No," Zeke spoke in a sarcastic tone. He sat up on the couch, placing his hands clasped together on his lap. "Well, do you?"

I took a deep breath and replied, "No, I don't."

Zeke raised his eyebrow, a smirk formed across his lips. "You hesitated."

"So what I hesitated. That doesn't mean anything." I averted my gaze, not wanting to make eye contact with him. "I don't like her at all. She means nothing to me."

"So I'm worthless to you?" I turned my head and saw Zey and Christina standing at the top of the stairs. "I am not needed or wanted, huh? You know, if you don't want me to be here anymore, just turn me into Anthony and have me killed." She spoke through her teeth, I could see tears forming at the corners of her eyes. She bit her lips and scoffed, smiling a fake smile and shook her head. "But you already did."

"Did what?" I mumbled.

"You killed me." She scoffed again. "With your words." She looked down at her feet. A gasp left my lips and my eyes went wide. "I let my own emotions get the best of me. I should have known that you don't like me. Sorry."

With that, she bumped into Christina and ran back to the room. I saw Christina jog towards me and shoved my shoulders, making me stumble backward. "You really are an idiot." Her eyes were filled with hatred as I looked into them. She walked the past me and walked out of the building. I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder, but I didn't bother to turn around.

"It will be alright. Everything will blow off." Zeke reassured.

I let out a scoff. "I doubt that." I walked away from Zeke's hand and walked up the stairs, and turned to the other direction from where Zey's room is located.

I walked down the long hallway when I reached the last room. I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me. Christina is right. I am an idiot. I decided to go to bed early tonight, so I took off my jacket than my shirt and laid down on the bed. I placed my forearm across my forehead and closed my eyes. The last thing I saw before I went to a deep sleep was Zey's sadden eyes.



I snapped my eyes open when I heard a sudden crash coming from down the hall. I quickly placed my shirt over my head and pulled the ends of the shirt downwards. And then I realized that I wore the dark blue shirt backward, but I ignored it. I quickly grasped my gun and rushed out of the room.

I was Christina and Zeke shooting at what looked like a tall human figure. I rushed towards them, but then a bullet was fired above my head, making me fall to the nearest wall. "Zeke! Christina! What the hell was going on?!" I shouted.

"Anthony!" They said at the same time. With just hearing his name, I quickly stood up and charged to Zey's room. "Tobias! Tobias! Come back!"

I shoved their voices behind my head and focused my priority. To see if Zey is safe. I ran toward the location of her room and saw that her room was completely destroyed. Smoke and ash-covered every inch of the room. I dropped my gun and ran deeper inside the room, feeling my heart started to pound when I see no sight of her. Then the sound of firing guns died down and running feet stomping against the floor coming towards the hall.

"Tobias." I turned my head and saw Christina and Zeke behind me. "They have her. They took Zey." Zeke panted. And Christina had tears falling down her cheeks. I clenched my jaw and my fists. The rage that was built up inside me was now bursting out like fireworks. I closed my eyes tightly and couldn't imagine how scared she could be.

"Where could they have taken her?" I mumbled to myself.


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