she wanted someone
who would stare into her eyes,
and see her broken soul,
so their broken souls,
could try to fit their jagged pieces together,
in an effort to become something other
than the chaotic mess they were.
she wanted someone
to heal her mind.
her mind was loud enough on the inside already,
no need for it to be screaming on the outside.
the only thing,
she thought,
that her mind was good at doing,
was thundering, and booming,
and consuming the remnants of sanity
left behind.
she wanted someone
to shield her from her thoughts,
and protect her from the world.
she was such a gullible child,
and we were living in such a harsh world.
she wanted someone
to take her to the river bank
and make daisy crowns
with her,
like she used to when
she was a gullible child,
of the harsh world laid before her.
daisy crowns
the symbol that embroidered the naïve nature
that she used to wear so well.
she wanted someone
to love her,
because damn,
she was so sick of losing
all these remnants
of hope,
and sanity,
and thoughts that made sense
to anyone else.

Short Story" keep track of thoughts, as fast as they come, and remember them when they go away" these are just pieces of poems and stories that happened to escape my mind