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I suck at art. I like doodling and drawing, but I'm not good at it. My sister is the artist of the family. I'm the writer.


When I have a project where I have to draw something-

Mom: Hey (not telling you my sister's name, let's just go with her user) @PieLover10 , come here and draw this for your sister's project
Me: *sits back and relaxes*
Sister: >:( Fine.


When my sister has a project where she need to have good writing-

Mom: Fantasy( pint my real name, but I'm not saying), get over here and improvise and write this for your sister.
Sister: *sits back and relaxes*
Me: >:( Fine.


I like art, I'm just not good at it.


Me: *doodles in notebook*
Friend: Wow, that looks good. You should be an artist.
Me: O_O I don't think so.


The only thing I'm good at drawing is flowers, and that gets old quickly. *throws glitter everywhere* SHAZAM!

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