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A/N: "Still With You" by Jungkook just dropped while I was writing this and I just wanna say that I'm totally speechless. Let's continue showing love to it, ARMY!


"Oh god, what happened to your eyes?!"

The morning felt a little cold as you entered the dormitory bathroom. Everyone had a look of horror and confusion plastered on their faces once they caught a glimpse of you, instantly inquiring about your appearance. You didn't say anything since the answer was obvious. Standing in front of the mirror, your reflection stared back at you with puffy eyes and dark circles beneath them.

"Is it because Jungkook's leaving today?"

The whole room got silent. Whispers vanished into thin air, evolving into coherent tension. The showers were shut off as the sound of water dripping echoed within the walls of the girls' dormitory bathroom. Chaewon's question stayed suspended between you and every single person peering, answered by your silence and lifeless demeanor.

You heaved a loud sigh, clenching your jaw. Proceeding to brush your teeth, you ignored everyone around you which forced them to go back to their morning routines. You simply couldn't handle anymore tactless questions as the unfolding events were surreal to you. Nonetheless, the day was treated like every other weekend— filled with assigned chores.

Going down to eat breakfast, your eyes instantly searched for Jungkook in the cafeteria. Unfortunately, you didn't see him as you grabbed your meal. You frowned, wallowing in the melancholic feeling consuming your system. In a matter of seconds, your face lit up when you already had an inkling to where he was, rising up on your feet to rush to him. You didn't want to waste any second without him before his initial time of departure.

You rushed to the back of the girls' dormitory building, careful not to drop any of your food on the ground. The sofa has always been your meetup spot since you two met, and even if it's a little worn out than before, you knew you would continue hanging out there. Nearing your designated hideout, your heart thumped quickly on your chest when you saw Jungkook sitting on the spot where you first found him.

"Koo..." you uttered, not completely sure of what to say afterwards.

Jungkook looked up to you, reflecting the same puffy eyes. His mouth was left agape when he realized that you've been crying too, gaze never leaving your form as you sat beside him. Both of you ate in silence, feeling a little uncomfortable with the unresolved tension. You knew you needed to address the obvious but you just didn't know where to start.

Jungkook started paying attention to his surroundings, avoiding to see your swollen eyes. It was one of the many contributors to his pain. Looking up to the sky, he noticed how it was cloudy and the sun rays were barely reaching out. The day seemed overall gloomy.

"What time are they coming here?" you asked nonchalantly, mustering all your strength to be as straightforward as possible.

Snapping his head towards you, Jungkook heaved a deep sigh. He looked like he just got out of deep thought. "I don't know the exact time. Just... early afternoon." he answered aloofly, soft and unsure of his words.


Neither of you were really processing things smoothly. You knew that Jungkook was leaving and it's sad; but how could you feel so numb? You struggled with reality, feeling as if everything was just a bad dream.

"Did you even sleep at all?" your best friend asked you out of nowhere.

You snickered, sharing a few giggles with Jungkook. He felt his heart flutter in his chest, giddy with the sight of your smile. Scrunching his nose, Jungkook covered his swollen eyes which resulted to another fit of laughter from the both of you. For a short while, you felt light. "Same question to you." you teased back, giggling childishly.

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