the dinner

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( guys since I am lazy lol Adams team is at the science guys place)
Adams POV
I can't believe skit died before I thought this was a game now I think this is something more "welcome come inside comes inside" the man said as we were walking in the guy took a piece of my hair " I am so sorry but a perfect set of hair would it be a crime to take one strand no?" God this guy is a creep after a tour of his little machine room he shows us to our rooms and I see a nice tuxedoed the big bed I get changed and look in the mirror I chuckle "I kinda look good" I say to my self I walk out and into the dining table with a big long table and I see Mira "you look good" I say "you too" she says back with a smile I smile back and then I see Kai he is wearing a sailors uniform and I chuckle then the man comes out and calls his assistants and then vennsa (don't know how to spell her name) and then "reeve" I say "what did you to hi- I mean them" he kinda looks cute  " I am going after him" and run off I got to save reeve I-I need him

(Hey guys hope you had a good day :) hope you liked today's chapter ❤️❤️ stay gay and bye)

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