Bakugo's Morning Realization

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(I forgot to mention all the characters are aged 19, anyway lets carry on with the story) 

Bakugo's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm screaming for me to get up, I picked up my alarm clock and threw it across the room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes then opened them only to realize a long piece of red string wrapped around my finger, I sat there in complete shock for about five minuets before getting up, I thought to myself "what will happen if i tug it? Will it get it off? I can't have a soulmate, can I? Who the hell would be stupid enough to love me?" I tug at the string but nothing happened? I was in a confused shock. I tug at it again but still nothing happens, I decided I was gonna ignore it. I grabbed a, black T-shirt with a skull on it which I pretty much wear everyday, blue denim ripped jeans, a baseball cap and my black and orange boots and put them on. 

*5 minuets later*

I was sat on my bed, I was on my phone texting My mum:

Mitsuki- Katsuki, make sure you have everything you need packed and I will be at the concert to make sure you don't mess up because if you do your gonna embarrass yourself and the rest of the group.

Bakugo- Mum, I don't need you to tell me what to do and I don't need your supervision!

Mitsuki- Don't be rude! I'm here to support you, be grateful brat!

Bakugo- Tch, whatever. I'm going to pack now anyway and DON'T come to the concert because I know your going to embarrass me, never mind me embarrassing myself!

Mitsuki- I'll see you there, bye

*Mitsuki offline*

*Bakugo offline*

I put my phone on the desk and get my suitcase, "WHY THE F*CK DOES SHE HAVE TO SUPERVISE ME WHEREVER I GO?!" I start packing everything I need.


"Huh?" I look at my phone when I see a text from Half-n-Half.

Todoroki- Bakugo, I have a problem

Bakugo- WHAT?!

Todoroki- I seem to have woken up with a string around my finger?

Bakugo- Just wait until we get to the airport!

Todoroki- Oh ok? Cya there

*Todoroki offline*

*Bakugo offline* 

"HALF-N-HALF IS MY SOULMATE?! No it must be someone else, right? " I was confused but decided to ignore it for the time being. I finished packing and grabbed my phone, I made sure all the windows and doors were locked and unlocked the front door. I went out then locked it, put my suitcase in my car and got in the drivers seat and started driving towards the airport.

*3 hours and a lot of road rage later I arrive* 

I get out my car and bring my suitcase into the airport, get checked in and go to the lounge. I see Dumb hair standing there but when I saw him I froze...

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