Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

The man's composure changed at this and Sen immediately noticed, Ty Lee noticed too if the frown on her face was anything to go by.

"Ah, well. Azula is not in any condition to see anyone right now". Zhu said,"She has just been sedated after her treatment today so she will be out".

"I didn't say that she had to be awake for the visit, doctor". Sen frowned.

Zhu sighed,"Right this way, Master Sen".

They walked through a long and well lit hallway. Sen noticed the couple of patients who were under observation as they walked through the hall, it was clear to him that Ty Lee didn't like this part of the building if the way she was hugging herself was anything to go by.

They turned left at the point where the hall split in two, they walked for a few more minutes before they came to a stop in front of a metal door. A few nurses came out of the room and immediately bowed when they noticed Sen, Zhu and Ty Lee.

"We're here". Zhu said,"Due to her frequent outbursts we decided to keep her in here".

Ty Lee frowned at this,"In a cell?".

Zhu raised his hand,"Please understand. None of us are benders and we can't exactly protect ourselves, that is why we took this measure. But I assure that she is well taken care of".

Sen only stared,"I see".

Zhu turned to one of the nurses at that moment,"How is the patient?".

The head nurse looked up at that moment, a little nervously,"She's calm now after we sedated her with the tablets we gave her".

Zhu nodded at that.

"Well, since the princess seems to be a danger to you and your staff. I have decided to take her with me".

Zhu quickly shot Sen a look of disbelief,"Oh, no. I couldn't let you do that to yourself, we are doctors and it's our job to be in situations like this".

Sen looked at the man with observant eyes,"I know, doctor. But I have raised the princess ever since she was little, maybe being around me again will slowly let her recover".

Zhu then glared at Sen with hard eyes,"I'm sorry but you have no authority to do that. Even if you are the Liaison to the Royal Family".

"I don't follow the laws of men, Doctor Zhu". Sen answered darkly,"So, I will take her by force if I have to".

"No, you won't". Zhu said,"Why don't you tell me the real reason why you want her gone from here?".

"She has been here for four years and not once did we get any updates on her  recovery. What does that sound to you?". Sen said.

"Are you accusing us of tampering with her treatment?! That is outrageous". Zhu said.

"Whatever. I'm taking her with me".

"She's not going anywhere, Master Sen". Zhu said,"Unless you get written authority from the Firelord himself, she is not leaving this premises".

Then the doctor and his entourage of nurses walked past them. Sen was about to sigh in disappointment when he felt the head nurse's slip something into his hand as she passed him. Sen watched the nurse walk away, she slightly turned to regard him briefly before continuing to walk away.

He opened his hand and saw a piece of paper in it, he took it and opened it to see a small message written on it.

If you want to know everything about this facility and what happens here, go to Doctor Zhu's office.

Ask the chi blocker, she knows where it is.

Sen looked up and saw Ty Lee making faces at the guards that came with them, Sen rolled his eyes at her antics.

"Ty Lee?".

She turned immediately and regarded Sen with a smile.

"Hmm?". She responded.

"Do you know where the doctor's office is?". He asked

"Oh yeah, the other nurse showed me last time". She replied.

"Give me directions on how to get there".


Instead of just giving him the directions he needed, she decided to tag along much to Sen's dismay. He told her to wait with the guards outside the facility but she dismissed him and followed him, so he took her with him and made her stand outside the office as a lookout while he searched the place.

He looked around everywhere but he couldn't find anything. He opened the table drawer and flipped the pages that were inside to find useful information, but it was nothing useful just tax reports and mortgage papers on the facility. The young airbender cursed under his breath, he had looked in the cupboards, the drawers and even the table drawers.

But there was nothing.

He gave up and proceeded to head for the door but then his knee hit the side of the desk and he fell forward, groaning from slight pain. As he got to his feet, he heard a small click come from the desk.

He came to the front of it and saw a small compartment that was open in all its glory.

Sen smiled,"A secret drawer. Very clever".

He reached into the small drawer and pulled out a small notebook along with a few small notes. He flipped through the notebook's pages and was surprised at how much was written in it.

He was about to start reading when he heard Ty Lee knocking from outside the door, which was the signal that someone was coming and that it was time to get out of there.

He closed the secret compartment up the way it was and also fixed every part of the office that he had ransacked, so that it looked like it hadn't been disturbed.

Then he jumped out the window just as he heard the door opening.


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