Chapter Twenty Three

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Fowler frowned a bit and sighed softly. "Bumblebee, I'm fine." He spoke seriously and Riley blinked, nervous. 

"You want me to just go in the military building?" She asked quietly. "H-How am I supposed to do that?" She bit her lip but nodded, gripping the journal tightly. "Where will we meet up?"

The scout shook his head in frustration and walked over to her then gripped her shoulders. He put a hand on his chest then set it on the hood of the car. He felt the only way to save his friend was to transform. He didn't know what else to do and looked between the two. 

Riley was silent for a long moment, desperately trying to understand to not anger him more. She stared at him before it clicked and her eyes widened. "You can't just transform! Everyone here will react badly!" she cried. He shook his head quickly and looked over at Fowler. Hoping he'd understand and help her understand in turn. He needed to save Raf and he needed their help. He shook his head again and went to try and activate his alternate mode. He sat in the driver's seat as he glared at the wheel.

Fowler nodded a bit towards the scouts persistence, taking the girls arm. "It's alright," he muttered. Riley shook him off. 

"Bumblebee! This is ridiculous! We need to just have Fowler bring us inside!" She said seriously, glaring at the man. "They won't listen if you bring a robot into this. They will be more scared than before. They won't understand. Please." She pleaded to the man, trying to get him to see reason. "There's no need for this."

Bumblebee looked at her and for a moment he saw Raf when he was little. He felt tears fill his eyes as he watched the cons take him. He heard his pleading and he squeezed his eyes shut. His hands shook and he got out then closed the door. He hugged Riley tightly and nodded as he fought his episode. He nodded again and let go as he looked at Agent Fowler. He was ready to go see his friend. 

She blinked in surprise and hugged him back, frowning a bit as she relaxed when he came over. Fowler nodded a bit and began going to the building with hurried steps. His breathing was quick but he seemed fine as he moved quickly. Riley stuffed the journal back into the bag and zipped it shut, holding it close as they followed the man into the building. "Stay close to me."

The scout nodded quickly and stayed close as he stared at the floor. He was itching to get back in his alternate mode, but knew it had to wait. He continued to stare as he thought about what happened. He squeezed his eyes shut as his hands shook and he clenched them. He couldn't let anything happen to Riley or her family. 

She noticed his tenseness and gently took his hand, looking at him with concern. She gave a little smile of reassurance and looked ahead to make sure they were still behind Fowler. They went to the cells and Fowler looked to them. "Rafael is in the last one on the right." He said gently with a small smile.

Bumblebee looked up and furrowed his brow. He looked at the cells and his eyes widened in horror. He noticed how small and dark they were. He looked at the agent then at the young woman. He glanced to the cell as they got close. He rushed over quickly and gripped the bars as tears filled his eyes. He had promised his friend he'd never be trapped again. And here he was, trapped because of them. Again. Rafael looked up and blinked in surprise. He stood and quickly went to the door. "Bumblebee?" He asked quietly. Fowler stepped back and let the two talk, smiling a bit as they reunited. Riley didn't say anything but desperately wanted to hug her father, glad to know he was alright. 

The scout nodded a bit, smiling a little then frowned again. He looked around the cold cell. He could see tear stains on Rafs face and the untouched food. He knew he was scared and probably had at least one panic attack. "I'm okay... just... just trying to get through this." He rasped and wiped his tears stains away. "Listen to me, Bee... I'll be okay. You need to... you can't attempt to be in your alternate mode yet... it'll hurt you." He said seriously and fixed his glasses. He sighed shakily and rested his forehead against the door as his body shook. "Not right now...." he whispered to himself as his panic started. He glanced to his daughter and smiled sadly as he tried to reach for her.

I've Forgotten You (TFP AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang