Part One: A Cinester Movie Night

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Part One: A Cinester Movie Night

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Part One: A Cinester Movie Night


Here it is.

The night that every kid fears for, Open School Night.

Every youngling across the town, whether they are in the top 1% or flunking algebra, has one common enemy. They dread the converging of parents and teachers for those six 25-minute intervals.

You're all set to go for your third annual open school night at this once per year event. You make the bold move to smack on your lucky bowtie in an effort to woo your friends' parents. It is the perfect impression for any future occasion that might require you to bend the rules. You also bring an apple for your teachers, past and future alike. Perhaps to derail them from any future assignments which you may or may not slack on during winter break.

There's one tiny issue. This isn't just any open school night, this is a small-town open school night. Which means everyone knows everyone and everything, whether you like it or not. All the history, the love lives, the back stabbings, the businesses, and the pyramid schemes. Any crime stirs people's interest.

You and your parents arrive at the school in one of the vast amounts of available parking spaces. Thirty minutes before the beginning of open school night. Unfortunately, being a punctual family also means being the first to enter the school's limited-seating theater for the principal's start-of-the-year pep talk.

As a way to save money, the school has the second responsibility of hosting the only version and private screening of the town's "smashing hit" of this year's Indie film. This added responsibility conveniently overlaps with the beginning of open school night, so as to save money on electricity. This year, breaking the chain of rom-coms and ironic PSA-theme inspired films, the film is a horror flick.

You find yourself amongst around thirty different individuals, a mixed bag of film fanatics, the film's creators, the stage crew, and fellow punctual families. You pick a comfortable spot in the center section and in doing so, you find yourself sitting in the row behind a girl who you hadn't spoken to so closely since the end of 8th grade, Patrice "Peppermint Patti" Brewer. You notice that she and everyone else around her are gazing at the screen intensely. She must have been involved somehow in the film, or perhaps there was more to her than you remembered from 8th grade Patti and her nervous habits.

The film progresses and as the plot approaches one of the climactic scenes of the plot -- where the Dr. Fluffy catches up to the teen couple as they're minutes away from escaping the abandoned warehouse -- you make the bold move to reintroduce yourself to Patti. You start to lean forward, while at the same time wondering if she's still kept the bag of peppermints in her coat pocket or the peppermint mouth spray in her handbag. However these pondering thoughts do not seem to matter anymore. Your hand finally reaches her shoulder.

Dr. Fluffy has killed the teenage couple.

Suddenly, a knife plunges straight down from the ceiling, into the very center of Patti's heart.

Trembling, you stare at her now-lifeless body with wide eyes, disbelief washing over you, while the rest of the families swarm into the theater. The movie continues to roll through the penultimate scene of the indie film but just before the very end, her parents shriek at the sight of their daughter slumping in her chair. You notice your hand remains on her shoulder and you quickly remove it.

It is at this point that time halts in the theater. The police are called, arriving families are forced out, and the whole theater is placed into lockdown.

As you wait for the detectives alongside the rest of the individuals who were here before the masses of arriving families, you notice two of the people slipping away, their faces indistinguishable through the gathering crowds.

Four other people are left in the theater. Two are missing.

One person is the murderer. It's up to you to find out who's guilty.

What do you do next?


The Options

a) You follow the people who have slipped away. Which characters do you think slipped away?

b) You stay in the room and confront those who remain. Which characters do you think remain? Who do you confront?

c) You watch and observe how it plays out. Who do you observe?


Cast your votes for the direction you'd like this story to take and the characters you'd like to investigate via this form.

In this form, you'll also be able to (optionally) ask questions to each of the characters.

This form will be open until 8th June, 9pm UTC+1.


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