Insecurity+Parenthood=Sleepless nights Chapter 17.

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"Umm ... Melonie your not .. a you're a person that makes mistakes like the rest of us."

"But I've made too many to count on both hands. And another was being with you that night."

"Did we sleep together?"

"Xavier, I have to go .. I still have to show Azalia to her new class."

"And what do you mean fall in love something something .. the guy knows Me .. who is this guy? And I thought you were already married?"

"Really, I have to go."

"Wait Melonie ...I .. ugh!!"


So im just gonna skip to the next day when Kizza and Cassidy come back home, not tryna rush but im kinda stuck and im trying to get on instead of staling with a long boring chapter .... Enjoy


After a long day of Eating, shopping and laughing with my mom and Vince. They finally got the whole house set up for Kizza, I couldn't believe they wanted another daughter. Their already old, I mean 46 isnt that old but still their old. I stood at the door waiting for Cassidy' s car to pull up in the drive way .. but all I could really think about was why Melonie though it was okay to confied in me. And who that guy was that knew me.


*~Sadies POV~*

Xavier stood at the door and shifted over to the window, his expression was blank like he was in deep thought. I looked down at my now purple wrist, they hurt so bad. Why did Dawson have ti grabbed me so hard and what made him think by taking me over to CeCe's house would make anything better. Ruby was adorable though, I hope oneday when Carson and I have kids their twice as adorable, I cant wait to see him.

"X .. what are you over here thinking about?"

"Oh .. she talks to me now!!"

"Shut up. How are you?"

"Good ... Could be better, but good."

"Daddy, can you open this?" Travis said holding up a can of icing.

"Where did you get this? "

"The kitchen."

"Well how about you take it back into the kitchen and ask your grandma or Vince to open it." Travis had a look of defeat on his face. I laughed.

"He is so grown for his age."

"I know ... what am I going to do with him .. and Azalia is skipping grades and looking more and more like her mother everyday, I can only imagine how Elijah would have been."

"Awwee .. Elijah!!"

"Yeah, my other little man. That didn't make it into this world." My face filled with sadness.

"So ... Do you know what this Kizza looks like?"

"Nope...What happen to your wrist?"

"Long story short?"

"That's the best way."

"Well long story short met a guy at the party--- " "And he did this to you? I'll KILL HIM!!"

"Hey .. Let me finish my sentence." Xavier took a deep breath and I shifted my weight, now sitting cross legged on the couch.

"Okay, Okay ... Continue. "

"Okay, so went to this party met a guy ... A GREAT guy. Then along came Dawson."

"The Jerk ass that tried to rape you? I'LL KILL HIM" I chuckled .. what could girls do without their over protective brothers. I ignored his threat and continued.

"YES ... Killer him. So it turns out this girl claimed he raped her but it was her fault, she snuck into a 18+ party knowing she was 16 , and got into some mess she wasn't supposed to and ended up getting pregnant, the little girl is like 2 .. 3 maybe. And he kidnapped me and made me try to get her to let him see his daughter." Xavier's mouth dropped and his head shook in disbelief.

"Soo .. he used you as bait?"

"Yeps .. crazy huh?" "And he grabbed your wrist and bruised them in the process?" "Yeah, they hurt like crap."

"What did you tell mom? "



"Yeah .. she doesn't need the drama."

"So when are you leaving?"

"Few hours. Why?"

"Just wondering ... " I slapped his arm.

"Whatever. You just want me out so I wont tell Cassidy you KISSED another woman." I stared at his expression.

"Are you sure it was just a kiss?"

"Yeah, but the way she walked off I could have sworn it was a little more to it."


"WHAT DOES hummpth MEAN?"

"Nothing .. just a sound I make."

"Whatever ... but I wont tell Cass ... She doesn't need to know that and you were drunk out of your mind. She looked a little shady anyway."

"I know."

"Xavier, Sadie ... Hey you two can you help me in the kitchen for a second? " Our mother called. Xavier groaned.

"Great." He said under his breath.

"I know right ... She being so annoying .. and she didn't even bother to ask ME if it was okay to have another sister."

"Sadie your 20 years old she doesn't need your permission."

"And your 24 .. She doesn't need yours either but she asked."

"SADIE...XAVIER, NOW!!" She yelled so loud the neighbors could hear, causing Xavier and I to jump.

"Coming!" we said in unison, rushing over to the kitchen

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