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As a kid before He even knew Jace Brian was subject to his fathers cruel Experiments to see how fear would affect Brian who naturally could Produce toxins without a weapon or anthung. He often took Brian and injected him with fear toxins or poisons and wanted to see how Brian's body reacted. Surprisingly the poison didn't affect Brian's body but the fear toxins did , which angered Jonathan (Scarecrow) to an exstint his son should bring fear not have it , so he often tested on Brian's blood and often had Brian locked up in a cage like a wild animal and carved his stomach open just to get some of his blood to rest on and sell Brian's Skin . Brian was trapped for 13 years with his fathers physical abuse, the mental abuse as well. When he was still a child, his Dad's lover set him on fire in an attempt to kill him, but he survived. Not long afterwards, he wrapped himself with cloth and ran away. He has permanent burn marks checkered on his sides. He got clothing that resembled the steam punk era from scarecrow when he was sent to elementary school where he met Jace, who is currently his ex boyfriend and best friend now.

Early teen years:

While Jace, Zoe, and Brian stuck in a group when It came to violence Brian was always the first to react in a violent way, until He met Irene who changed his mind about Violence . She told him Your actions speak loud enough don't use your hands as weapons - he believed her and slowly fell in love with her. After a while in their relationship 3 years to be exact she left him alone she left him in the middle of the Night she left him. He was already alone no friends because Zoe and Jace got together and always left him behind and then Irene left him. He began to find a Pattern , People who say The three words ' I love You' tend to leave him and he always thought this was his fault. He began to adapt to being alone , forever it was how life was for him. it felt natural to being alone he isolated himself from humanity , the only person he'd talk to was Allyson because even if they didn't work out she was still there. Soon , Jace came to his senses realized Zoe was no good for him and came back and apologized repeatedly to Brian. Who after a while accept Jace back.


Into Brian's teen years he met His Best Friend Alina from a job Jace was gonna have him protect her From J. He didn't mind that one bit  he , Alina, and Jace Quickly became Close friends and considered each-other family 'Always And Forever' . When Alina had Jase,  Brian felt like it was his fault and he couldn't protect Alina like he promised but he loved Jase so much , because that was Alina to him. One day Alice asked Brian to babysit with a girl name Ruby, Brian was anxious about talking to someone new but he didn't refuse he simply didn't really talk unless spoken too . He knew better , he didn't trust himself around Ruby because he knew he was gonna fall victim to her like a Man being lured in like a siren. And he did , but Ruby didn't break his heart , which genuinely and sadly Surprised him. Then she left all of a sudden , Brian was Devastated  , it broke his heart so much he didn't feel himself he wore hoodies and jeans now instead of his usual steam punk Outfit types- when he got kidnapped by his father She found his wondering on the old Gotham Train tracks, and she talked him out of his funk and explained to him why she left it was because she actually fell in love and he did to and they are together.

Brian is pretty settles down now criminal as usual but he does still create things, and Now he is in love love with ruby and while his friends have kids he has kittens , sure one day he hopes ruby will want kids but he's patient and he's happy...for now

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙁𝙚𝙖𝙧 || Brian's MBSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat