The First Kid

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[Katsuki's POV]

I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready.

'Oh shit, I'm not ready for this!' I say, turning back to the car, away from the adoption center.

'Katsuki, I swear to god I have not been driving here and back while you chat 'I'm ready' like sponge bob did that one time so now you can say you aren't. Get your ass in this building or I swear to all might's near grave that you will not see tomorrow.' Eijiro said, pointing at the building.

'Let's go get us some kids.' I walked up to him and grabbed his hand pulling us towards the building.

'C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!' I said, pulling him.

'You aren't going to get a child any faster by doing this.

'WE'RE GETTING TAKI HURRY UP EIJIRO!!' I said, suddenly way more excited now we were closer.

We entered the building and walked up to the desk. I was bouncing up and down like a kid ready to buy and eat the piece of candy they wanted. The receptionist told us to go to room 8, where we would do the last bit of paperwork today and take home our daughter.

Her name was Taki. Her quirk was that she could shoot powerful sources of water from her hands and feet. She was learning still but so far it was very well controlled.

We walked into room 8 as we were instructed. I stepped in first, my stomach doing fuckin' flips.

We saw a worker sitting behind the table, shuffling and straightening paperwork. As we opened the door more, we saw two kids.

One we recognised as Taki, the girl we'd previously met and decided to adopt. The other looked similar to her but unrecognisable to us.

'Ah, Mr. and Mr. Kirishima! Please, have a seat!' The worker gestured to the spots in front of us. The boy locked eyes with me. They were a fiery red and orange and I felt as if I couldn't - shouldn't -look away.

'Thank you. Is everything ready?' Eijiro sat. I sat next to him but didn't break eye-contact with the boy.

'Well, we have something we'd like to discuss with you.'

'Oh. Is everything okay?'

'Yes. Well mostly. As you know, Taki has an emitter quirk, waterfall, it's called. This is her brother, Hotaru. You may know it's uncommon for a child to have a quirk that neither their parents have but-'

'It's not impossible. We're aware. We've known two people with such quirks.' Eri and Shigrikari came to my mind. That must be who he's on about. Perhaps Deku.

'Ah, good. There is zero doubt Hotaru is related to Taki and no doubt that his parents are the same as hers so his quirk must've been a mutation in the DNA.'

'What is his quirk?'

'...we aren't sure.'

'What can he do so far?' Eijiro asked. The worker shifted through papers.

'We've seen bug-like wings and he's set fires. His eyes have been shown to trap people in a trance. We don't know what happens when they're in this trance but they usually can't speak or look away. When they come out of it, they say they feel like their body is on fire. Nobody has had a good outcome. Nobody has adopted him due to their fear of him. We were wondering since you like Taki, if you would take in Hotaru as well. We understand if-'

'We'd love to take him home.' I said. I kept looking into his eyes. He seemed to back down, though I hadn't noticed he was putting up a fight in the first place.


'Trust me, Ei.' I finally looked away. He looked between me and the kid and nodded.

We signed all the last papers. They sent us out with the two kids and they were official Kirishimas.


The first few weeks were pretty normal. We'd continued to learn about the two kids and they felt right at home immediately. It was odd as we'd heard it took kids a while to settle in but we were glad they had accepted us as their parents so easily. Hotaru and I got along well and he learnt a lot from me, not all good of course but we had an agreement not to tell Ei and he could have a lollipop.

Taki was adorable and she was definitely a happy kid, sticking to Eijiro's hip like she was made of glue. She was sweeter than honey but she beat a boy up in her class for making fun of her friend. Eijiro wasn't pleased when I asked if she won.

We were a family now. A pretty great one too.


'So that was when you got me and big brother?' Taki asked

'Yep! ' Ei wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. i

'Wow!' Hotaru's mouth was wide open.

'It was the joint first happiest day of my life.' I smiled.

'What was the other?'

'Well the day we got married of course!' Eijiro grinned.

'It's bedtime now!' I kissed the top of my kids heads, tucking them in.'

'Sleep tight!' Eijiro flicked off the lights and closed the door.

'Don't let the bedbugs bite!' The kids yelled back. Eijiro kissed the top of my head as we walked over to our room.

'We picked the best kids didn't we.'

'Hell yeah we did babe.' He smiled.


I finished this chapter last in the whole book.

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