When he only chuckled at her, she shot him a confused glare. When she still didn't move, he cupped her chin and smiled down at her. "Dearest, I have already gathered that I will have to have patience. However, taking you to my bed was not my intention."

She felt her blush deepen at his bluntness. She searched his eyes, and when all she could see was the twinkle of his humor, she sighed and shook her head. "Fine, but if you're fibbing, I promise that you will be walking funny tomorrow."

He laughed at her threat and tucked her hand into his arm again. "Duly noted."

She allowed herself to be led into the elevators. He punched the button for the 64th floor, and she gave him a curious look. She knew he had an apartment on the Soldier floor, so her curiosity was piqued at the fact that they were going higher. She had never been higher than the employee lounge on the 61st floor.

Before they got there, he turned to her with a half-smile and asked her to close her eyes. Kris wasn't sure what to think, but she realized that she trusted him, despite her earlier teasing. She closed her eyes. Her breath caught in her throat when he stepped up behind her and leaned to whisper in her ear.

"I will need to carry you."

Kris swallowed thickly but gave him a nod. She heard the elevator ding open and resisted the urge to peek as he swept her up into his arms. It was the most intimate position they had been in, and all her senses were heightened at her self-imposed blindness. When he whispered again, it took all her willpower not to gasp. "Put your arms around my neck and don't let go."

She did as she was told. For several moments, all she could hear was the steady rhythm of Genesis' boots striking the floor as he headed down the corridor. After a few moments, there was a swish, like a door opening, and the feeling of wind assaulted her senses as well. She almost opened her eyes but was caught off guard when Genesis spoke again. "You will need to hold on tight. I promise I will not drop you, but it will be easier if you help."

Kris suddenly wondered what the hell he was up to that might make him drop her. When she felt him jump, she swallowed a shriek and buried her head in his chest. He had said to hold on tight, so she hoped he wouldn't complain about her death grip. It was probably only a few seconds later that he came to a stop. She wanted to open her eyes and see why the wind was blowing through her hair, but she had promised not to. She did relax her hold a little as he shuffled around.

He must have finally gotten to where he wanted to go, as he sat down with Kris in his lap. The change in positions had her cheeks flaming again, but she did her best to ignore it as he finally told her to open her eyes. She slowly opened them and had to blink a few times. She let go of an involuntary gasp as she looked out over the city stretched below them.

The shining lights were so far below that they were only pricks of brightness in a dark blanket that stretched out all around them. She was so awed by the sight that it took her a moment to take in the fact that they were on the outside of the building and sitting on an outcropping near the top. Her arms tightened reflexively, even though she knew he had a firm hold on her.

She breathed through a sudden sense of vertigo as she looked up at his face. He was looking out at the lights as well. When she turned, he finally looked down, and her breath caught in her throat at the look in his eyes. There was a fire burning in them that she had never seen before. It didn't dim as he smiled down at her.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

She nodded silently and looked out again before she looked back. "It almost looks like stars below us. It's the most beautiful thing I have seen since coming here. I didn't know Midgar could ever be so lovely."

He chuckled at her assessment of the city and looked out again. "I agree. It is the closest thing to stars that I have seen since I left Banora. I found this place by accident, but I come here whenever I need a reminder of home. It comforts me."

Kris froze in his arms as she realized the significance of what he had just told her. It took her several tries before she could speak. "If this place is so special, why did you bring me?"

He blinked down at her with confusion. The light in his eyes dimmed a little as he searched for the words. A slight frown flitted across his face as he looked at her and finally answered. "I am unsure. I simply thought you would be able to appreciate the beauty."

Kris felt that squirming feeling inside writhe harder. She could hear the breathless note to her own voice when she spoke again but didn't care. "I do. Thank you."

The fire that had dimmed from his eyes was suddenly back, and Kris had a hard time breathing as her gaze flicked down to his mouth. She realized that she had never wanted something as much as she hoped those lips would find their way onto hers.

As if he could read her mind, Genesis leaned down. Kris closed her eyes as his lips brushed lightly over hers. It was such a feathery touch that she almost missed it. She sighed as he pulled back, but didn't have the chance to open her eyes before the pressure was back with more force.

It was the sweetest torture that she could imagine. Genesis slowly applied a bit more pressure as he moved to hold her closer to himself. One of Kris' hands that had been wrapped around his neck shifted to play with the strands of hair at her fingertips. When he moved one hand further up her back and cupped her face with the other, Kris could not hold in a gasp.

Genesis expertly took advantage of that motion, and Kris suddenly felt like she was drowning as his tongue flitted in to taste her. She couldn't seem to get enough breath, even though he didn't press so far as to keep her from it. As the kiss deepened, Kris tasted the wine they had shared earlier and wondered if that was why she suddenly felt drunk.

When he finally pulled back, Kris took several deep breaths. He still held her close, and when she could focus, she was shocked to see that he seemed to be just as affected as she felt. His eyes held a slightly glazed look, but the fire that had taken her breath before was flaring with a hunger that made her feel weak in the knees. It was a good thing they were already seated.

Genesis also had to take a deep breath before he could speak. He put his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. "Dearest, please insist that I not take you back to my room. If you do not, I am uncertain that I would have the strength to resist."

A flash of heat raced across her skin at his words. It started pooling low in her abdomen, and she squirmed uncomfortably. He opened his eyes at the motion and gave her a wry smile. "You might want to stop that."

She froze as she realized how uncomfortable he probably was as well. Part of her fervently wished that she had the courage to tell him that it didn't matter, but there was still a fear that it would only invite disaster. She pushed the feeling down as best as she could and swallowed again before she could make her voice work. "I would like to stay a little longer, but we can leave if you are ready."

There was a flash in his eyes that nearly stole her breath again, but she quickly tried to finish before he did something else to steal her wits. "When we do so, I think it would be best if I go home. Alone."

She barely heard the sigh he released, but he sat a little straighter and smiled. "Then, we shall enjoy the night while it lasts."

Kris felt more than a little cowardly but was able to forget the sensation as they got lost in conversation. It was hushed and mostly revolved around their respective home towns. Kris had no idea how long they sat up there and stared at the lights below them as they started going out. It was never completely dark in the city, but by the time Kris got to the point that she couldn't stop yawning, the pinpoints were fewer and farther between.

Kris made a point of watching as they descended back to a balcony and walked into an area that looked like a gym. The descent had her adrenaline pumping again, so she was no longer tired. Despite her insistence that she could make it home, Genesis refused to allow her to go alone.

When they got to her door, they both hesitated. Even though she had made the decision to go home, Kris was thrilled when he finally leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. The kiss was brief and sweet and still managed to leave her burning somehow as she finally made her way inside.

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