{12} Piercings

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A/N - This is the first chapter I wrote. Initially this was just to satisfy my own need to write it as a one shot, but I then decided to explore the backstory to Star and Eric and see what other people thought. I'm overwhelmed to have over 2k views. Thank you everyone!

Credit needs to be given to the lovely kaygrantz89 and her story Iron Hide, Silk Heart that gave me the initial inspiration to write this chapter. Her main female character has a certain piercing and that set the whole idea for Stronger Than She Looks going in my head. If you haven't read her story, go check it out!

"Into a line Initiates" Eric doesn't speak loudly, but his deep authoritative voice still resonates clearly around the large room. Why, oh why, does it have to be him? Although in reality, I'm not sure what would be more embarrassing. Dealing with him, or dealing with Four.

Everyone else quickly forms a loose line by the targets. Reluctantly I join them, falling into line at the back. At least this way there will be less people around to witness my embarrassment.

Unfortunately for me, the line moves quickly. He says very little, simply dismissing them with a nod of his head as his eyes quickly scan their piercing and he hands over their Points card. Most are obvious; eyebrows, lips, ears. Do they think they are more Dauntless by ensuring their choice of piercings makes a visual statement?

Last night, in a drunken stupor my piercing had seemed like a great idea.

Now? Not so much.

The cold light of day and a clarity of thought that only sobriety brings has made me realise exactly what I've done.

I've fucked up.

Big time.

How the hell do I explain it without telling him what I've got pierced? He is hardly going to let me off with a "I can't tell you or show you, but I promise I really did get one".

Before I have chance to think of a way out, I'm stood before him. It takes everything I have to meet his inpassionate gaze without flinching. It's the first real interaction we've had since we practically fucked each other with our clothes on during Capture The Flag.

Although I do seem to have a vague memory of seeing him last night. Was he in the bar at some point? I really can't remember.

Looking straight into his steel grey eyes there's no hint of emotion. Do I really mean so little to him?

"Well?" He raises an eyebrow as he scans my face.

"I, erm..." Why do I loose my shit around him. I'm Dauntless now, I should just say it and not care.

"I've not got all day Initiate."

"It's not on my face." I whisper, looking straight at the floor. I can feel the colour rising up my chest and neck and onto my cheeks. If only the ground would actually open up and swallow me whole.

"I can see that." I glance up at him and he's got that amused smirk on his face like he's enjoying this. Shit, who am I kidding? He's such a sick fucker, I just know he's enjoying my discomfort.

"It's a body piercing." I whisper, just loud enough so that only he can hear me and not all the other Initiates who are watching from a few metres away with growing interest.

"I still need to see it." He crosses his arms and just stares at me.

"I can't show you here."

I watch his face, and I see a flash of interest before the poker faced mask comes back down.

Stronger Than She Looks (Divergent Eric)Where stories live. Discover now