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"Now you all probably know by now that the Sports festival is coming up next week, so for the rest of the time leading up to it, training will be longer so you can work on your quirks and techniques." That class started to murmur before Mr. Aizawa rolled his eyes and told them to shut up.

"Also, Kaminari, there's a car waiting up front for you so you can discuss with someone what you will be doing for this week, among other things." Nezu didn't exactly specify to the teacher why Kaminari was needed and the principal himself didn't know much either.

The bakugsquad looked at eachother with concern as they watched the blonde stand up. Denki stopped before he left and looked over to Shinsou.

"Shinsou could you let Jun out of my room if I'm not back when you guys are done with school?" The purple haired student nodded and Denki left the classroom.


The drive was a bit boring but Denki didn't mind very much, he was too worried on what the boss was going to say, he was concerned that the man was going to pull him out of the hero course and that thought made the electric blonde upset because he actually made friends with some of the people in his class. Those people were obviously Shinsou, Bakugou, Sero, Mina, and Kirishima. He also cared for the other students in his class very much and he knew Jun would miss them, mainly Shinsou, just as much.

The car comes to a stop and Denki steps out of the car and is lead in by the guard, a different one too. He was a bit shorter then the last and seemed a bit older too. He lead Denki into the familiar building and to the office, knocking on the door before hearing a muffled 'come in'. The guard opened the door for the blonde and he nervously stepped inside.

"Have a seat boy." Denki does as told and sits down on the seat, not showing how nervous he was.

"You are not to participate in the sports festival, we know that you have an unfair advantage with your extra training." Denki nodded, feeling a bit better that he wasn't getting thrown out of the class.

"But while your class is training you will be here, doing the regular training you did before you started going to that school." The blonde nodded again.

"You may go now." The boy quickly stood up and left the office, being led to the courtyard where he usually had his battles with heroes that the hero commission paid off to fight him without snitching on them. Though, Denki never knew they were heroes since they were mostly underground or just out of hero school looking to earn a bit of cash.

Once Denki got to the courtyard his opponent stood up from the wall they were sitting against. Denki noticed how the heroes skin was all covered except for their face and hands by their hero costume.

Denki didn't get to observe as much though since the young blonde immediately had to dodge glass that came from the hero's hands. Denki quickly tried to get closer only for himself to get glass through his shoulder.

Denki bit his cheek hard and immediately shot himself back. The glass was still in his shoulder and he pulled it out without a second thought, ignoring the blood running down his uniform, he powered up his quirk and shot a stream of electricity towards the man. The young hero immediately brought up a glass wall that curved towards himself just a little. The electric blonde grunts and shoots forward while the man is disoriented by the brightness of his quirk.

Once Denki get's closer than the paid hero anticipated he panics and shoots glass all over in a hurry, not caring that he could easily have killed the young blonde if he wasn't as fast as he was. Denki managed to dodge most of the attack except for a few close calls that ended up in a few cuts.

Denki grabbed him and let the electricity flow through his arm and effectively electrocuting the hero. Though he didn't stop, he didn't stop when the heroes eyes rolled back and he didn't stop when he felt that familiar burn course through his chest and arm. The injured male only stopped when he was restrained with quirk mulling cuffs and shoved to the ground carelessly.

"You already got him you crazy bastard!" The guard hissed and kneed the boy in the stomach, making him cough and gasp for air. The guard hissed and looked over Denki's injuries, or the ones he could see at least, before deeming him well enough to go without medical care and making the nurses and doctors check on the electrocuted hero while Denki was pushed back out of the building so he could go back to the dorms in his wrecked uniform and injuries.


Denki yawned as he exited the car and started to walk towards the dorms. It was late and he could tell that everyone was probably finishing up dinner. His wounds were aching and the burn was still there, which bothered him, he never means to lose control, sometimes it just happens and he has to deal with the consequences, whether it be the burn or the 'boss'.

The exhausted blonde swung open the door and immediately saw Jun running up to him, a sad expression on their face. Shinsou ran up to Jun, trying to figure out what they were freaking out about, when he saw Denki. Mina ran up next to her insomniac friend and her eyes widened at the sight of Denki.

"Kaminari?! Oh my god what happened?!" Mina shouted as she rushed over to him, seeing his school uniform in tatters and dried blood from his cuts. The blonde doesn't understand why she was freaking out and asking him if he was attacked by a villain as he was rushed to sit at a table while Kirishima brought a first aid kit while Shinsou called his father to make sure he got recovery girl, since no one in the class had her number.

"Yes, I'll come with her right away, just make sure he's not hurt to bad." Aizawa ordered before hanging up and slipping on shoes. Today was his day off from patrolling and he was hoping to get sleep with his husband.

Denki eventually had enough of them running around like headless chicken.

"Why are you guys so crazed over this? It's just a few cuts, not much." Denki shrugged.

"Are you fucking kidding me dunce face? You were STABBED in the god damn shoulder!" Bakugou shouted and he was pulled away from Denki by Kirishima.

Denki just blinks as he pets Jun in his lap.

"But didn't you guys go through commission training too?"

Ahh poor Denki not knowing a thing :(
Thanks for reading my crap stories lol
Also might add brohawks soon??? Depends on how the sports festival goes lmao

I'm not very good at writing fight scenes if you couldn't tell also =.=

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