| SF9 | Imagine #7 - Hwiyoung |

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-True – You smiled slightly. –But you do want to sleep – You told him while touching his nose playfully.

-Yeah – He chuckled softly with his eyes closed. –But I'll stay awake if you can't sleep – Hwiyoung stated.

-No, no, sleep, Hwiyoung – You insisted while slapping his cheek gently.

-Is that supposed to help me to sleep? – He questioned while pointing at your hand on his cheek.

You laughed slightly. –Sorry, I couldn't help it – You smiled.

-Y/N, I know there's more to that dream – Hwiyoung spoke.

-You won't give up until I tell you, right? – You questioned while looking at him.

He shook his head before caressing the side of your neck.

-Pretty please – He said cutely.

-I guess – You sighed. –So, I haven't told you about this but, I will have to go back to my hometown for my graduation – You revealed.

-Oh, and when's that? – He asked, looking calm about it.

-I don't know, the college hasn't said anything about it yet – You said.

-So, there's nothing to worry about yet – Hwiyoung smiled before kissing your head. –Stop worrying about things that don't matter right now – He whispered.

-I just don't want to leave again – You admitted.

-So, let me go with you – Hwiyoung spoke.

You got apart and stared at him confused but surprised at the same time, making him chuckle slightly.

-What? Don't you like my idea? – He asked.

-I love it but, won't you get in trouble for that? – You asked.

-I can get to an agreement with my manager; no need to worry, babe – Hwiyoung smiled before cuddling against you.

-So, I was worried about anything? – You asked confused.

He nodded with his eyes closed. –But at least you cared – He sighed.

-Always, dumbass – You chuckled slightly before kissing his lips gently.

You took him off ward which made him breathe out a bit, but eventually, he caught the rhythm. Then, you got away from him and grinned.

-Babe, I am sleepy, don't play with me like that – He complained cutely.

You chuckled slightly. –Got it, my fault.

-You are happy – He teased. –That's good – He sighed while holding onto you.

-Of course, I am – You nodded. –I didn't expect you to say that – You admitted.

-You know I'll make everything to make you happy, and I'm glad you liked the idea – Hwiyoung spoke.

You hummed happily before caressing his hair. –Sleep, now you don't have to worry about anything else – You whispered.

He nodded. –You should sleep too, babe – Hwiyoung said.

-I will – You assured.

-Goodnight, see you in the morning – Hwiyoung whispered.

-Cheesy – You chuckled slightly.

-Yah~ I'm tired, so, it doesn't count – He smiled while complaining cutely.

-Got it – You spoke.

Both started to fall asleep again, and now, you were going to sleep calmly. You just hope that Hwiyoung was being honest with what he said. You do believe him, but you want to see if he doesn't forget about it.

*Next morning*

It is morning already and you are in the kitchen making some morning coffee as you listen to some music, and with the corner of your eye, you could see Hwiyoung barely going out of the bedroom.

-Good morning, handsome – You chuckled while pouring the coffee in two cups.

-Why are you laughing? This is your fault – He complained while scratching his head gently.

You gave him a cup of coffee and smiled while leaving the rest of the coffee aside. You were looking at him while sipping your coffee as your elbows are reloaded on the bar surface.

-You are still making fun of me, aren't you? – He questioned before drinking some coffee.

-There's a chance – You chuckled before leaving your coffee down.

He's in front of you, on the other side of the bar. You are staring at him happily, after all, he did make your sleep better after talking with him last night.

-Why are you so happy? Are you still remembering the graduation thing? – He questioned with a smile.

You nodded happily. He held your cheek and nodded.

-I'll go, don't worry – He stated.

-I'm not worrying, I promise – You chuckled slightly before taking his hand. –Thank you for talking with me though; it truly helped me – You said sincerely.

-Of course, babe. Anytime – Hwiyoung smiled. –Literately anytime; like yesterday I just woke up to talk with you, and I even sacrificed my beauty sleep for you – He joked.

-That's why you look less handsome today – You teased.

-Rude! – Hwiyoung laughed before patting your cheek gently.

-Hey! – You giggled.

-You owed me that one; I did remember – He winked.

-Yah – You complained cutely.

He just laughed before leaning closer to you, briefly, he kissed your head and smiled at you happily. Both held hands while still drinking the coffee, yet, it was more difficult than before since you were chuckling a bit.


Hello! Another one that I owe you. Part 3 of the little story that I'm making for Hwiyoung. Exciting things coming for this group and our amazing Hiwyoung,  I can feel it!

Thank you so much for reading! I'll keep on working now, bye ~

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