Chapter 2 (Trigger Warning)

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Virgil's POV

I popped into my room and yanked my headphones off of my dresser. I plugged them into my phone and began to blast 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance.

"Did you hear that? Princey doesn't like you." Something in the back of my head whispered. I tried to ignore it and walked over to my bed.

I lifted my mattress and grabbed my razor, gauze, and medical tape. I tried to find a place on my arm where there were no scars or cuts but to no avail. I decided to just overlap, it'd probably feel better that way.

I slit once and smiled at the familiar feeling. I cut once more. Again. Again. Again. Again. Agai- I stopped when I heard my alarm go off. Fuck, I don't want to take my binder off.

I groaned with annoyance and bandaged my arm. I slogged over to my dresser and pulled out the loosest t-shirt I could find. I unhooked my binder and hid it under my mattress along with the razor and other shit. I quickly slipped on the t-shirt and a hoodie.

"Hey Anxiety!" Morality grinned as I walked into the kitchen. I pulled my sleeves down to my palms and held them there.

"Hey," I said slouched over. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and left. I laid down on my bed and tried to clear my mind of what Princey had said.

I heard a knock at my door and mumbled a sluggish 'come in'. Morality opened the door and peeked in.

"Hey kiddo, you ok? You seem a little down," he smiled sweetly.

"Oh yeah I'm fine," I chuckled nervously.

"Ok, well I'm always here if you need me," He said closing the door.

I sighed and leaned back, sliding my headphones over my ears. I heard my alarm go off again and I groaned out of frustration. I got up angrily and scoured through my drawer for my testosterone gel. I could never handle needles.

I slipped my hoodie off and lifted the short sleeve of my shirt. I applied the gel to my shoulder and made sure to evenly rub it in.

"Anxiety?" I heard. I turned my head quickly to the door and my heart dropped. There stood Princey. He knows. My heart rate picked up and I began to hyperventilate. Not only did he know I was trans but he knew about my self harm.

I fell to the floor and gripped my head. He rushed over and tried to hug me, "N-No! Don't touch me!" I screamed, shaking violently. He looked confused and hurt. He sat next to me and tried to calm me down.

"Hey, it's ok, it's ok. I'm not gonna tell anyone. You're ok. Breathe." He cooed. I took a deep breath and tried to gain a sense of where I was.

"You hate me don't you?" I asked looking at the floor.

"No, I don't. Why would I hate you?" He asked.

"You said yourself that you didn't like me?" I questioned. His face went pale.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. You're a pretty cool guy," He smiled nervously.

"G-Guy?" I asked. He looked at me weirdly.

"Uh yeah? Just because your trans that doesn't mean you aren't a guy," He comforted. I smiled and rubbed my arm- my arm! He noticed me panicking about my wrists and calmed me once more.

"P-Please don't tell the others about any of this Princey." I pleaded.

"I already told you I wouldn't. And please, call me Roman." He smiled grabbing my arm to examine it.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked trying to take my wrist back.

"These are fresh. Did I make you do this?" He asked removing the bandage. His voice sounded hurt.

"Y-Yeah?" I said unsure. Roman started crying and covered his face.

"I-I'm so sorry Anxiety, I-I shouldn't have said that. My gods I'm so stupid," he sobbed.

"It's not your fault, I'm just weak." I trailed off.

"You're not weak. Honestly, you've lasted this long enduring pain from me and the world, I'd say you're stronger than me," he smiled wiping his eyes, "Anxiety-"

"Virgil, my name is Virgil," I grinned.

"Virgil, I'm sorry, again. I'm always calling you names and saying I don't like you." He sighed moving towards me, "The truth is, I really like you."

I couldn't respond so I just sat there, dumbstruck.

"Y-You probably don't like me back, it's fine I'll just g-" I cut him off. I gripped his face and pulled it towards mine, our lips met and I felt him sink into the kiss.

"Princey? Everything good? It's been like 10 minute-" We heard Morality stop.
Author's Note: welp. That's enough Prinxiety for today so ima go sleep. Goodbye.

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