Special Thanks/ Couple Introductions/ SHIPS ARE SUBJECTIVE

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Like I've mentioned in the description. I had been wanting to do this for so long but kept putting it off. But thanks to these amazing people...


...I was given the confidence to actually go through with this! Let's get the elephant out of the room (pun intended), I'm only doing this for fun. I love Mean Girls and want to do an actual story on it.

The official face claims are all from the original Broadway cast but if you prefer the original movie cast or..quite frankly...anything you want...that's cool too.

Another thing...the couples are all my biggest ships. So...I'm sorry if they're not your favorite ships. The couples are...

• Cady and Regina
• Gretchen and Karen
• Aaron and Shane ( the_apex_predator , your welcome. Sharon is alive and well!!!)
• Damian and Phillip (I wanted Damian to be with someone so I put him with Phillip. Also because Janis x Damian ISNT COOL BRO....in my opinion but like I said...SHIPS ARE SUBJECTIVE)
• Janis, the cool single Mom.

Okay, cool. I think that's everything. So, now I have a disclaimer to anyone who decides to read this book but is unhappy about a ship.... I'm sorry. Ships, OTPs or whatever else you prefer to call them, are all subjective.

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