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---(Name this line?)---

I walk back towards the palace, lost in my own thoughts. However, they are interrupted when I feel a hand grab my arm.

"You are in so much trouble right now, missy." I hear a familiar voice. I turn around to find Luke with a stern look on his face.

"I didn't run away." I defend myself.

"I told you not to leave the ballroom." He fires back. He looks ready to scold me further but he just sighs. "Come on." I raise my hands in surrender. I didn't think he could look so serious. "Lima Charlie resolved. Escorting her back to the ballroom," Luke says through his radio. "I need to have a word with the guards on duty," he mumbles to himself.

As we walk I notice an ample amount of guards are heading back to the palace. Some shoot me amused looks, others look pissed off. When we get inside, Luke turns to me and looks serious. "Listen, the room is on lockdown. You are free to roam it as you please. But, please Allenica. Do. Not. Leave."

"Yeah, kay," I say and start to leave. But before I can, Luke grips my forearm.

"I'm serious. You need to behave. I won't be able to let you off so easily next time." Luke's eyes bore into mine but I smile sweetly at him, nodding my head. Luke chuckles, shaking his head. "Alright, off you pop, trouble maker."

I smile and walk off. I like Luke, he's like an older brother. Fun, but knows when to be serious.

"Ally!" I hear my name. "Ally!" I hear it again. I find the source of the voice: Lola and Annie. "Where have you been, sweetie?" Annie asks and flings her arms around me. When she pulls back she has a worried expression on her face. "I heard what happened and what Lydia said. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I just needed to get some air."

"I understand." Annie smiles. However, Lola then bursts out laughing.

"Ally, you know you had every single guard in here looking for you." Lola grins.

"Yeah? I didn't realise I was so loved." I smirk.

"Alright, madam! Come on Miss Mint's giving a lecture." Annie pulls me deeper into the ballroom, however, we steer more to the back of the room. A few heads turn our way, including Lydia who flashes me a dirty look then smirks. I grit my teeth and curl my hands into fists.

"Don't. She's not worth it." I relax at Lola's words and set my focus on Miss Mint.

"Once you have filled out your profile, hand it to either myself or your personal stylist. And don't lie on it, be honest. He can always tell when someone is being dishonest. Almost like a sixth sense. Good luck," Miss Mint says as she finishes up.

Ha, I must have missed the entire lecture! Miss Mint walks off and we are all given sheets of paper, stapled together in the top left corner. I sit down at a table with Lola and Annie and look at the sheets. I quickly read through it then start filling them out.

Name: Allenica Jones

Date of Birth: 26th December

Age: 18

Sector: XI

General Description: Tall, brown eyes, brown hair, mixed race.

It's hard to do the general description. I don't really want to please him, yet I don't have any features that would. I really am nothing special.

Hobbies: Writing songs and singing (I'm not very good at it though)

Skills/qualities: -

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