cscoop; july

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i love cooper and this song and i say it with my FULL chest. pls, if you know how to do those "____ but you're in the bathroom at a party" pls make this song into one and tell me when you do i need it. also this one has like a sad vibe at a party lolol

- y/n's pov
i can't breathe.
my head hurts.
i wanna go home.

i've been in this loud and crowded room for over 3 hours, 1 hour and 30 minutes out of those 3 were me sleeping on this random persons couch. i quickly grabbed my boobs, glad to find my phone and wallet still in my clothes. i have no pockets on this stupid, black dress. i grabbed my phone, seeing not one, not two, but three messages from the group chat me and my friends are in.

wait lol did we leave u at the party?

i think we did lmaoao

ok but like she'll find her way, this is why we never invite her childish self anywhere.

i just slipped my phone back into my bra and searched the house with my eyes, still glued to the couch. my head was pounding, i know i have some sort of substance in me. i don't remember anything from before falling asleep, other then this couch is hella uncomfortable. i finally spotted a room, a bathroom. i quickly, and wobbly, ran into the bathroom.

as i shut the door, the music got quieter but the headache got worse. my ears are ringing, i've never had a headache like this before. "it must be july 'cus i only wanna ride with my hair down, and listen to the sound of people i don't know." the music was muffled through the door, but still loud enough for me to know every word the song said.

looking around the bathroom, i spotted a bottle of straight vodka and a remote with different colors on it. i hit the pink color, surprisingly making the room turn a kinda purple, kinda pink color. they had some LED lights in the bathroom, just like the disco ones all throughout the house.

my eyes became dry as i chugged the liquor, more than 10 shots worth. my lips became some kind of numb, like if you were to go to the dentist and they numb your mouth with novocain. "my head stays living in the middle of the mess i made, i said. i wish i had a bed inside my brain."

the lyrics made me break down, my whole body going limp and falling into the door, slowly sliding down. the shower curtain moving startled my first tear from dropping, as a blond sleepy boy popped up from the bath. "are you okay?" the boy questioned, ruffling his hair. i guess he got the memo of wearing all black, with his black hoodie, black shoes and black pants.

i didn't even answer, just let the tears fall. crying to a stranger is as good as my feelings are gonna be expressed. "no. not at all! my friends left me here, i don't know what i'm on, my head hurts and i don't wanna be here at all." i sobbed loudly, and probably looked ugly while doing it. the boy didn't care, he just got down beside me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"everybody needs a hug sometimes." he lightly smiled. "i'm cooper."

"y/n." i rested my head on the boys shoulder, loving the comfort from the nice, but complete, stranger. he had the vibe of "i know you're sad, i won't say anything about it though. i'll just keep you as happy as i can." and it's all i really needed. "do you wanna get out of here? i know a great place to go when your feeling down.."


a skate park. the blond, cooper, took me to a skate park at 3 in the morning. i, wearing a tight black dress, felt slightly uncomfortable. cooper had a backpack on the whole time, his skateboard was apparently in the cabinet while he took a nap in the bathroom at the party.

he apparently noticed how uncomfortable i was, and pulled a huge jacket from his backpack. "here." he smiled. i took the jacket with a smile and put it on. it went longer then my dress. nobody was at the park, maybe one or two stressed teenagers, other then me and cooper, would come along at random times, leaving only 10 minutes after.

"whose party was that anyways?" i questioned, swinging my legs in the skate pit. "mine." he chuckled. "oh, oh no, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to take you away from your own party, you need to go back, i'm so-"

"y/n, i was sleeping in my own bathtub. do you think i wanted to be there?" he chuckled. i sighed, a feeling of relief washing over me. "good point. but why'd you have the party if you didn't even want to be there in the first place?"

"a good way to keep the jock friends who are to scared to disobey there parents in my circle. i'm not exactly popular at my school, i need protection. what about you? what school do you go to? i've never seen you at mine."

"home schooled. but that's messed up, you should be able to be in school without needing to have protection." i pouted, rubbing his arm. "yeah, but, it's public school. what did you expect. have you always been homeschooled?"

"nope. i started in 7th because none of the teachers liked me. they thought i was like my brothers and dad. they gave me a name and hated me from then on, even though i never did anything wrong." i sighed, remembering all the times i got in trouble for actually no reason at all. "now that's messed up. looks like public school isn't nice to both of us."

"yeah, it sucks."

- 3rd person.
the pair stayed in the skate park for 4 more hours, till 7 in the morning. cooper teaching the clumsy, still half drunk, girl how to skate. y/n telling cooper home schooled stories, cooper telling live public school stories. even watching the sunset and talking about things they've put away in the back of there mind.

nevertheless, the exchanged numbers. but not before a quick kiss to the blond boys cheek by the shorter girl. "goodnight, well, morning, cooper. thank you."

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